
May 24, 2010 10:41

This is the place to go if you want to apply for posting access.
Follow these simple steps and then we will let you know.

01. Be sure that you are a MEMBER of this community before applying!
02. Read the RULES before applying!
03. Tell us your username and where you post your icons.
04. Post 10 out of your best icons (must be fandom icons)! These should be unique and don't just contain a coloring and a simple light texture! We are after unique icons and artists that steps outside of the box!
05. Do not even bother to apply if you don't want constructive criticism. Nobody is perfect and as moderators we don't think we are perfect either!
06. Please wait 2 weeks before applying again if you don't get accepted!
07. Show us different styles of your icons, don't just show us 10 icons in the same style.
08. The icons you apply with has to be posted on LJ!
09. Right now you only need a yes from me emsen. I'm working on getting mods and then you will need a majority of the mods YES votes.
10. When accepted we will let you know when you have posting access.

Go on and show us what you have got!


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