May 02, 2004 17:50
I don't want to write my Media Aethetics paper! What it is going to be on I have no idea...
Well, maybe a small idea. But the video I need to rewatch is not in the film studies center.
Hmmm...laundry laundry laundry.
Yesterday, Shannon and I took the #6 bus to the Field Museum. On the way there, we did not get off the bus at the right point, so we got out and walked. We saw a Polish pride parade. It was bizzare. Everyone was wearing white and red. There was noise coming from every angle and even a gunshot when we were crossing the street. All of the floats looked the same. They were all crepe paer covered staircases.
After the museum, we walked some more. We went to a German restaraunt downtown that was oh-so-delicious, but very greasy. I had lamb.
We took the Red Line back to Hyde park. Waiting for the 55 to pick us up afterwards is always a pain, but the time we had to stand there wasn't so long yesterday.
When we got back, I slept from 7-11. I missed "Accidental Death of an Anarchist," which I already had a ticket for. I watched "Blue" for my film class and took notes. Then I talked to Mark for a little bit and went to sleep.
Woke up at 11 and went back to sleep until 1. Went to AO practice and have been doing laundry ever since. I always wait until I have several loads to get to work.
This summer hopefully will not suck too much. I still need a job.