Sep 16, 2004 22:39
well, today was a day...nothing overly exciting but nothing too depressing. it was merely a day. i had to watch yet ANOTHER autopsy in Forensics. this is the third one i have seen and boy it was interesting this time...the case was a cocaine overdose and it was this mexican man with CHAINS around him...apparently he was found chained to the bed but the coronor and police think that it was some erotic chaining (crazy mexican people!)well the body wasn't found for 5 days so it was all bloated and gray and just gross. and for my enjoyment they had the guy naked (duh) but they definatly showed the genitalia. it was disgusting. it was bloated and looked like...not a penis thats for sure. i think was disturbed me most about the video was that it was it was made in Jefferson Parish (thats not whats upseting) and the pathologist, who i watched do an autopsy already and was merely wearing a wife beater and shorts, was this time wearing NO SHIRT and shorts and he was HACKING at the body...very unprofessional and unrespectful to the dead. and he wasn't just hacking away with the correct surgical was with a kitchen knife! anywho...Homecoming court voting was today and tomorrow so im all nervous and excited...yea yea i know its kinda retarded that I, of all people, am going for court but hey, it could be fun. In 3rd hour we had a class discussion (thats all we have, we dont have lectures) about if we were a leader of a country how would we rule it...that was fun. I wouldnt go Nazi psycho but i would have some fun. Answer me this...why does it take some people 1/2 a mile to finally get to the speed limit?! when on a main road that says 40..go 40 as quickly as possible, do no wait to slowly get your way there...that doesnt work on a main road.