(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 01:53

I hope I'm not one of those people who always needs some kind of drama issue in their life to function. For the first time in a long, long I really don't have any big issues. School is good so far, I like my classes, work is good as always, I've been hanging out and playing poker and drinking with several of the people from work and making new friends, family is fine, no complaints there, all my friends are the same and I have no real issues with them...life is good. Life is calm. Life is peaceful.
I actually found myself creating an unnecessary drama issue tonight. Halfway through it, I'm like woah...what am I doing? Am I just bored? I'm not one of those people who needs a problem to be happy...at least I hope I'm not.
I guess that's why I haven't posted on LJ in awhile. I really don't have a lot to say. It's not that my life is boring...everything is just so peaceful and working out well. Not too much to report.
As far as classes go, I'm taking a PE class (have to to graduate), an intro programming course (just for fun), and a consumer behavior class (also just for fun cuz marketing is incredibly interesting). As far as psych classes go, I don't have any textbook courses. Instead, I'm working 6 hours a week at a mental hospital and 6 hours in the developmental psychology lab like I did last semester, running subjects for the language studies we're conducting. It's the fun part of psych...not the test-taking part.
Plus this is the first time I've been also working while in school so I have plenty of extra money. First time I'm living off campus, so that's nice to have a room all to myself and not have to eat in the dining hall...but we live literally right across the street from campus so I can still roll out of bed and make it to class on time.
Soon I'll be adding LSAT classes to school and work...I'll def always have somewhere to be.
Like I've told Aileen before, the biggest problem in my life right now is commercials. They're annoying.

I'll be posting pics soon...as soon as I find my camera cable to load them...I lost it.
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