The Headless Maiden has a new home!
I pick up the new pavilion today (Monday the 6th) and it will debut (albeit not as the HM) at the Big Bear Renaissance Faire this weekend. It will be standing in as "The Noose Lodge" for the band Gallows Humor, but it will have a few of the skulls and shrunken heads on it you've come to associate with the Maiden.
So how well did we do? Check it out: Update
Fundraiser Thermometer Here
Yup! We busted our mark just a bit, so expect more awesome rum (and other booze) at the Highland War at the end of the month. Here's the breakdown:
The Crew of the La Villa A Broka: $285.00 (200 of that from your Commandant & Captaine)
The Crew of The Kronos: $80.00
The Crew of the Nautical Rose: $25.00
Non-Darksail people: $65.00 (Philip, Capt. Dhugal & Kiana)
So a special thanks, though, need to go to the following people:
First off, Corwin (LVAB) for getting us this smokin' deal on the tent.
Next, Jacob (NR) for covering Pickles & I's GWW pre-reg ($140.00!) so we could get the tent.
Also, Haggen (LVAB) for carving even MORE skulls and heads to decorate it.
And of course: Capt. Mac, Mica, Freya, Father Cadan, Sawdust, Rae, Lief and anyone else who dropped money in the box at the Mtn Event or PayPal-ed us, you all ROCK. First drinks on me.