TRAVEL LOG: Saturday in Maui

Aug 28, 2011 03:03

So, uh... yeah. I spent the day in bed, getting up long enough to shoot a morning meeting and then crawled back in to bed in pain. Not sure from what yet, but my side is splitting and it's hard to move. I'm a little better now than this morning, but I really won't know until I wake up tomorrow how successful the treatment I'm trying will be.

(Recently I've been told of many terrible high-school-drama-y things being said about me behind my back on Facebook and the like. I suppose maybe this pain is karmic justice for what I terrible person I am? Of course, the thing is I'm still in MAUI; I had room service cater to me all day -- all expenses paid -- and I've gotten so much love and support from everyone else that I find it hard to believe that I'm being punished by the universe. Besides, even though these spiteful people spill their hateful vitriolic all over the web to anyone who will listen, I still refuse to 'fight back' or even comment publicly, and I have nothing but love for them and the rest of the universe. It's a Buddhist thing. That, and 35 is way too old to be playing in to that sort of childish thing. When do people grow out of that phase, anyhow?)

Anyways, I spent the whole day in my room, and I just spent the last 2.5 hours talking to my wonderful girlfriend on the phone (and Skype) so I'm actually feeling pretty good, at least emotionally. And since I was on my balcony all day watching the sunset, I was able to snap an awesome "Fish in a Barrel" shot without even having to stand up:

I'm wondering if by my 6th night here I'll be sick of sunset shots, but so far not even close. Are guys sick of seeing them yet? I tried to spice up the last few posts with pics of me (and other things) as well, but I really didn't go anywhere today.

Oh wait! I did post a pic of myself on Facebook, which led to an amusing back and forth between Heather (model and close friend) and my girlfriend Pickles:

I entitled it "Fear & Loathing in Maui, Hawaii (Looking very Hunter S. Thompson-ish today)"

Which spawned this comment thread:

Heather Garvey: Wrong hat.

Pickles Morgan: and sunglasses

Richard Rasner: Please note: Looking Thompson-ish is not the same as "check out my HST cosplay outfit"

Heather Garvey: Then you are talking to the wrong two people.

Richard Rasner: I am bald enough. Maybe I'll go gonzo for Halloween this year.

Heather Garvey: I know what you are talking about but I am stil picturing you as a blue fuzzy Muppet.

Pickles Morgan: we could paint you green and you could go as Dr. Bunsen Honeydew

Rhiannon Maple: Pickles: pictures please if you do it.

Richard Rasner: ‎*sigh*

Pickles Morgan: LOVE YOU! ;)

This is why I didn't capitalize "gonzo" but I still should have known better. Anyhow, now this post isn't about a single sunset pic. I'm off to bed (to the sound of the surf coming through my screen door no less) and hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and will have much more to post.

Mahalo for reading this!
-- Richard
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