(no subject)

Aug 28, 2006 00:01

It's been a mess, a right bloody nightmare. Ohhh, I can hardly trascribe all that's come about since I went after Titsy's funky effing trail. He was in a state, no mistake. Searching the country, I had a colour map and a, compass with, points on it.
At one stage I ran short, had to crash a week with the travelling art performance the Funk'd been touring with - poor sod. I had to recite the dada manifesto in pig latin, whilst wearing a number of watches made from pastry on me tenticles. As it eventuated, we travelled the country to Leeds itself, and I met up with the missus. She was puce seein' me there, but we made it up. Without Mrs. H I'd never've found Titsy, oh and he was a mate. Tears you up to see one of the boys like that. He had talon marks all over, and small, swollen red marks on his skin - panting and dead eyed when we found him - room next to Mrs. H! And she never realised! Twatting women, eh, what good are they? ha, I'm taking the piss. They never got on - it'd always be the horn tween 'em, eh?
I told Titsy right off, he was coming home with us. Mrs. H poked me with 'er nails, but you gotta know when to stand your ground with the missus. She's boilin' the kettle now - and giving her head a quick polish, no doubt.
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