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Jan 02, 2009 16:02

I think that things have been changing a lot.
but in a way that isn't too drastic so that we are not freaking out.
but I see it..
I don't know how to describe it well enough..
but let's see if I can break it down while I sit here with wet hair..
being a slow poke at getting ready..
first off.. a week or something like that before christmas.
I up and decided that I wasn't happy and didn't like the way my
life was going.
I even kinda tried switching up my dating thing...
but I turned out to.. well. let's just say that didn't work or pan out the way you would
have though it might say in a book or something.
I told Adam I needed space. and 2 days later I got back together with him.
I just couldn't do it. I wouldn't call it a weakness really. it was more like
an overwhelming wave of sadness.. like not being with him or talking to him
and thinking about not having christmas with him and everything else we
had discussed about the future. I just like.. well for a fact I cried myself to sleep and the
next morning started texting him and that night.. we went to dinner and stuff
and got all mushy and cute again. and it really is better than before.
and since then, we have decided to be official again and we are going to use
thanksgiving of 08 as our anniversary. because well. thats kinda long lol anyways. cause we said so! :)
i had a wonderful christmas eve and christmas.. up until my daddy told me that my grandmother [his mom]
had slipped into a coma-like state. the following saturday. upon getting home from an 8 hr shift at
the grande cinco.. my dad told me that my grandma had passed away.
he and my sister flew out early monday morning and returned yesterday, the first of january 09.
we couldnt afford for all of us to go. plus my mom needed to stay home with gracie.
on new year's eve i had all of my besties over and my boy :) and we all had a great time.
and then at like 5 in the morning on the 1st. gracie gave birth to her first puppy! of what turned out to be
7 puppies!
i feel that they are a blessing and gift from god. with one loved one and soul is taken from us to be with him.
he gives us these 7 little lovey puppies. i believe that they are a great "upper", if you will, for this hard time on us.
so here we are on the second day of their lives.. and..
i dont know how to describe it. but i feel better. free.happy. and like things are going to be good and better
this year.
im excited and hopeful. and i also think that maybe just maybe ill be able to handle anything this year has to throw at me
seeing as how i was put through plenty this previous year :)

just needed to vent.
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