(no subject)

Jan 31, 2007 19:57

Samantha Largeman grows older. Not much older, but a year passes. She sees Milliways less and less...and that's okay. She's got a job now (temping for now) and Elliot's learning to walk, and talk, and Andrew's in a new play.

Elliot's birthday rolls around and he babbles happily in his baby language at his cake (only a few real words show up--mommy, dada, juice! and a phrase that sounds oddly like kriff that).

She soon stops missing people at Milliways (though she'll never forget them, all of them have been so utterly fantastic) even if Elliot's babbled Star Wars cursing (something Sam accidently instilled in her son) makes her heart pang slightly for a best friend she hasn't seen in ages. Every cup of tea makes her think of Arthur. Every turtle she sees at the zoo as she pushes Elliot in his stroller reminds her of Mike and Raph. The Ewok toys in Elliot's crib and Elliot's war cries of "Yub nub!" as they watch Star Wars even make her miss Wes. Her son's name even makes her think of Shalla, who she only knew briefly...but gave the perfect name for her son.

But life moves on and the memories of Milliways are slowly filed in the back of her mind, new memories shoving them back (Elliot crawled out of his crib this morning, Andrew's up for a callback on Broadway of all places, and they might move to New York City, Olivia's adopted two more dogs {like they need more!} and Tim's even getting married.).

Everything clicks into place and Samantha Largeman has never felt more at home.
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