(no subject)

Dec 24, 2005 00:08

Merry Christmas, Jaina. I hope you have a great time doing whatever, even though you don't celebrate this. Enjoy the gifts though!
♥, Samantha
enclosed in various packages is a necklace, with a note saying her mother gave it to her, now Sam's passing it on for the "old" part of the wedding. Sam will explain if need be. Also there is a photograph in a frame of Jaina asleep, from the night before the wedding. It's not that flattering.

Merry Christmas Zekk. I bet you like the free stuff, even if you don't know what it is, right? Anyway, enjoy these presents! Put the book to use!
♥, Samantha
In a present (with chocolate candies glued to the wrapping paper) is a book entitled The Kama Sutra.

Merry Christmas Tahiri! I bet you have no idea what this holiday is! But enjoy it. Keep your toes warm, your face made and Zekk happy with these things!
♥, Samantha
In three seperate packages, there are bear slippers, eyeshadow in blue and green with black eyeliner and something skimpy.

Merry Christmas, Andrew, Happy Hannukah. I know you didn't want anything, but that's just too damn bad because I'm your wife and I love Christmas and I love you and so there. I obviously win. You can win also if you buy me a dog.

I'm kidding. I thought we could both enjoy part of this gift, with the memories that come from it. I love you so much, and you are the best thing in my life. I hope you know this.

Love, Samantha
In a gift wrapped in polka dot paper, is a photo album, filled with pictures from the day before the wedding (of Sam's parties and Andrew's respectively), the wedding, the recpetion and their honeymoon.

Happy Christmas, Arthur. And a Happy New Year. Do me a favour and give the doggie gifts to Kenna, okay?
♥, Samantha
enclosed for Arthur is a bright and silly teacup and various teas and chocolates. For Kenna, there is a bone, some treats, a toy and a new collar.

Merry Christmas Fen! Have a great New Year!
♥, Samantha
For Fenchurch, there is a c.d. with various songs that have the word "Flying" in the title, and a flower scarf.

Tony, Merry Christmas! Have a Great New Year and all that jazz!
♥ Sam!
For Tony, a box of chocolates and some dollar corny movies for watching with 'Chelle.

Michelle--Merry Christmas, dear. Have a great New Year and enjoy everything!
♥, Samantha.
for Michelle, some candy. And a silly kid's spy kit.

Mel, Merry Christmas. Thanks so much for making me so welcome this year. I love you very much and you tell Mike he's very lucky to have you. And if that frilly guy ever messes with me again, I'm coming at you with tears. And I will watch as you kick his ass.

Keep on being kick ass! :D
Much love, Samantha
For Mel, there is candy, and a shirt that dictates on the front "I kick ass" and on the back, "For Breakfast"

Merry Christmas Raph. Thank you so much for being a great guy! I love you, man. You rock. Keep rocking and be nice to my husband. Also...I have a list of people's asses you need to kick for me. Just to let you know. Right now it's really only one name. Most people like me, you know?

Anyway, muchos love. Samantha
For Raph, we have a stuffed turtle and candies.

Merry Christmas, Mike. I know we've talked like...once, but you rock. So Merry Christmas!
Lots of love, Samantha
Mike gets a stuffed turtle, and a stuffed elephant.

Indiana Jones! Merry Christmas, man! I hope you enjoy it, even though I've totally not seen you around in like...forever. But if Bar forgets to give you this, I will hunt you down and give it to you like I did that wedding invite!
For Indy, there is a stuffed elephant toy, unlike Mike's.

Merry Christmas Remiel. You are one of the greatest people I know here...and so I wish you the best of Christmases this year.

Thank you, for everything.
♥, Samantha.
For Remiel, there is candy, a mug with various hot chocolate mixes and different flavours, and a tie that has little angels on it.

Merry Christmas, Trillian. I hope you have a great New Year. Thank you so much for being a friend when I've needed one.
Much love, Samantha
For Trillian, a necklace, a funky hat and some earrings.

Merry Christmas Jag. Be good to Jaina. Don't let her wear you out. :D
♥ Sam
For Jag, there is a "Smile!" pin, some candy and a shirt that says "I ♥ My Jedi"

Malcom, you rock, the end! I hope you'll use this gift to jot down fun or crazy things you do in space to tell me.
Thank you for everything. Merry Christmas.
For Mal, another scarf, some sugarcubes for his horse, chocolates and a journal for him to write said space stories in.
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