fic: Until You've Had Enough and You're Ready to Stop (1/2)

Jun 24, 2012 17:36

TITLE: Until You’ve Had Enough and You’re Ready to Stop (Part 1 of 2)
SPOILERS: None. It’s pretty AU, Quinn and Rachel meet at college.
SUMMARY: Rachel finds gay porn on her roommate’s computer.
WORDS: 2,728
NOTES: This was originally based off a prompt that I’ve now lost the link for. Smart me. Completed for Faberry Week 2012 - Day 7 - College. Title taken from Avenue Q’s The Internet is for Porn.

Rachel finds her room empty when she returns from her final class of the morning. Checking her roommate’s new Spring schedule, she finds that the other girl has classes until twelve followed by a meeting with one of her professors. Tossing her books onto her desk and kicking off her shoes, Rachel makes her way to her bed and collapses in a heap in a similar manner to the way she had fallen into bed the night before.

Last night had been the finale of a show she’d been cast in through one of her tutors at college, followed by a cast party. Followed by an after-party. Her roommate had greeted her at three in the morning with a glass of water, two painkillers and a smirk.

With a heavy sigh, Rachel pulls her pillow over her head and tries to block out any light and noise. When her phone blares into life seconds later, she nearly throws the pillow across the room. However, her roommate’s face grins out from the screen and she can’t help but smile in return.

“I’m trying to nap,” Rachel answers, burying her head under the pillow again.

“Awww, I’m sorry,” the other girl’s voice crackles down the line followed by a chuckle. “So, I just passed by that cinema you dragged me to a couple of weeks ago to watch that lame romantic comedy…”

“Which you cried during,” Rachel interjects.

“Whatever,” the other girl says. “They’re playing a couple of horror movies and you promised…”

Rachel makes a noise of discontent, drowning out the rest of the sentence.

“Fine,” she acquiesces. “But I need sleep first.”

“Could you look up the times before you pass out? I have the site bookmarked, use my laptop.”

“Okay,” Rachel says, tossing the pillow to one side.

“See you later, roomie,” the voice says before the call drops. Rachel rolls off the bed to grab the laptop which is buried beneath a pile of sketchbooks and drops down at her desk, clicking the power button. She opens up the browser and scrolls quickly through the list of sites on the bookmarks list, finding the cinema halfway down. But before she can click, she spies something else; another folder at the bottom of the list named:  ‘From S’.

Interest piqued, Rachel forgets about the movie times and opens the folder, frowning at the names of some of the pages. Despite knowing that she’s completely out of bounds and overstepping lines, Rachel clicks the first website and waits for it to load.

The video starts to play automatically and the sound of very energetic grunting fills the room. Rachel’s jaw drops to the ground as she watches two bodies writhing together on the screen, fake moans punctuating every thrust. It takes a few moments for Rachel to regain her motor skills and when she does, she slams the laptop lid down, silencing the video.

“Oh my god,” she says vacantly, standing up from the desk and moving back to her bed.

Porn. On her roommate’s computer.

Thinking rationally, she surmises that everyone has needs and it isn’t as though Rachel Berry has never watched a porn video.

But in the ten or so seconds she’d watched, she’d noticed that both of the participants had been female.

Lesbian porn. On her supposedly-straight roommate’s computer.

Rachel risks a glance at the laptop again unable to get the image of the two women out of her head. Wrestling with indecision, she forces herself to stay put and stares straight ahead at her roommate’s bed. Where the other girl probably watches porn. And touches herself.

When Rachel whimpers aloud, she feels ashamed for violating her roommate’s privacy like this and for imagining the other girl stretched out on the bed, back arched as she…

“No!” Rachel exclaims to herself, shaking her head to try and rid herself of the thoughts.

But it’s too late.

She wrenches her gaze from the bed across the room and lies back on her own, linking her fingers across her abdomen and crossing her legs at the ankles. She could ignore it. She could forget that she ever clicked on the website. She could…

“Movie times,” Rachel says to herself. “I clicked the wrong website. That’s all.”

She moves quickly from her bed and takes a calming breath as she sits down at the desk and opens the lid of the laptop again. The website flickers into view once more, paused at the moment where Rachel had panicked. She moves the pointer to the right hand corner, ready to click out of the screen.

“Close the page,” she tells herself. Her hand ignores her request and moves back to the video, hovering instead over the triangular play button. “One minute,” she bargains with whatever part of her body is listening. “That is it.”

When the video resumes, Rachel hurriedly lowers the volume and sits back to watch with her arms folded across her chest and an intention to keep her hands where they are.

Three minutes later, Rachel glances at how long the video has to go and decides it would be downright rude not to see how it finishes, especially since there are only a couple of minutes to go. Not that she’s thinking about either of the women on the screen screaming their way through their fake orgasms. And she definitely isn’t thinking about her roommate hidden beneath her covers, trying to be as quiet as possible as she watches these videos.

“God,” Rachel mutters, crossing her legs and moaning at the dampness she can feel spreading between them. She shifts uncomfortably on the chair before her gaze flicks towards her bed. “Stop it,” she tells herself. One video, movie times then a nice, long nap.

The video ends with both women thrashing wildly against each other, moaning and gasping, and leaves Rachel’s lower half straining against the chair she’s sitting on.

Without hesitation, she automatically opens up the next video on the list, movie times forgotten once again. Deciding that her desk chair is not quite comfortable enough, she pauses the video before it can start properly and lifts the laptop over to her bed, settling back against the pillows. She feels her earlier tiredness start to seep back into her body and is torn between watching another video and giving in to sleep.

The ache between her legs makes the decision for her and she leans forward to click the play button.

This time, the video is less frantic. Rachel is pretty sure that the two women featured - a blonde and a brunette - are the same from the first one and idly wonders if all of the videos that Quinn has bookmarked star this pair. Her thoughts become hazy however as this video focuses intensely on the blonde’s hands, how softly they trail over the other woman’s skin before becoming rougher as they cup the brunette’s breasts.

With a quiet moan, Rachel knows it’ll only be a matter of time before she’ll have to relieve the ache between her legs that’s rapidly spreading to other parts of her body. She doesn’t even attempt to stop her hand as it unbuttons her shirt and slides inside to palm her breast and a heavy sigh falls from her lips as a pulse ripples through her body.

Watching as the blonde teases the other woman’s nipples on the screen, Rachel slides her hand inside her bra to do the same, groaning in relief as she pinches and rolls it between her index finger and thumb.

The camera pulls back slightly when slightly parted lips lower to the brunette’s chest and encircle one nipple as fingers continue to tease the other causing the woman to arch upwards from the bed and release a sensual moan. Rachel bites down on her bottom lip as she removes her hand from her shirt and turns her attention to the throbbing between her legs.

She unbuttons her jeans and pushes down the zip quickly, losing focus on the screen as her need to relieve the pressure building inside her overtakes her desire to see how the video pans out. Her eyes close as her fingertips circle her entrance and she all but growls at how wet she is. Eagerly, she slides two fingers inside, working them in and out with short strokes, constricted by how tight her jeans are.

“God,” she mutters to no-one, eyes opening slightly to glance at the screen where the blonde’s head is bobbing rhythmically between the brunette’s trembling legs. Rachel pushes her other hand inside her jeans to press against her clit, working her fingers in tight circles. The moans bursting out of the speakers start to escalate as the brunette nears her climax and Rachel knows that she won’t be able to hold out much longer.

Especially when her gaze falls to the bed across the room and thoughts of her roommate watching this video - legs spread as she quietly thrusts into herself beneath her blankets, her other hand pressed to her mouth so that Rachel won’t be alerted to her actions - flash through her mind.

Whispering her roommate’s name, Rachel’s hips rocket upwards off the bed as her orgasm wracks her body and renders her motionless, trying to process what had just happened. She’d just fucked herself while watching lesbian porn… good lesbian porn, she corrects herself. And while thinking about her roommate; her roommate who she’s long assumed to be one of the straightest people she’s ever encountered.

Too tired to comprehend any of it, Rachel removes her hands from her jeans and climbs unsteadily from the bed to pull them off, leaving them in a heap on the floor along with her shirt and panties. Reaching into the drawer next to her bed, she grabs a clean t-shirt and underwear and hurriedly pulls them on before tumbling back onto her bed. With a final glance at the laptop, where the second video has finished, Rachel pushes the lid down and snags the corner of her blanket, drawing it up to her waist.

Moments later, she’s fast asleep, falling quickly into dreams of hands and skin and a familiar head of blonde hair between her own legs.


Quinn raises her hand in greeting as she passes a couple of girls she knows from down the hall, giving them a smile as she makes her way down the corridor to the last room on the right. As quietly as possible, she slips into the room, knowing that her roommate is trying to sleep. In the semi-darkness, she can make out a lump on the bed on the right side of the room.

Squinting slightly, Quinn makes her way to her own bed, placing her bag on the end and glances at her desk, trying to distinguish her laptop from the sketchbooks that she never seems to have time to organise. When she can’t find it, she frowns and goes to check her roommate’s desk before spotting it on the bed next to the lifeless lump hidden beneath a blanket.

She settles down and grabs a pair of earphones from the bedside table to the right of her bed before opening it. The brightness of the screen causes her to narrow her eyes before her mouth falls open in shock and the colour drains from her face.

“Fuck,” she whispers, staring at the screen before her gaze rockets over to the other bed.

Panicking slightly, Quinn reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone. With her heart pounding somewhere around her ears, she taps a frantic message to her best friend before closing all the open windows on her laptop. She closes the lid a little too loudly and her roommate shifts in her sleep, mumbling inaudibly before settling on her stomach.

She shoves the laptop underneath her pillow and grabs her keys and purse before fleeing the room. She’s halfway to her best friend’s apartment when her phone buzzes in her pocket.

Meet you at Joe’s. This better be good.

Quinn changes direction and heads towards their favourite bar instead, ordering two of her usual and heading straight for a booth near the back. She’s halfway through her second drink when footsteps approach and Santana drops down across from her.

“I walked out of Hot Pscyh professor’s class for this,” Santana says in greeting before eyeing the empty glass and the second one in Quinn’s hand. “Thirsty?”

“Little bit,” Quinn replies. “Can I get you something?” She gestures to the bar, already feeling the effects of her drink working its way into her system.

“Just one,” Santana says, checking her watch. “I have a seminar at three that I absolutely under any circumstances cannot miss…”

“Only because you’re trying to sleep with the TA,” Quinn reminds her. “You have a girlfriend, remember?”

“I have a long-distance, open relationship,” Santana bites back. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

Quinn nods and heads back to the bar returning seconds later.

“Have you eaten lunch?” Santana asks, watching Quinn down her third faster than she’s ever witnessed her best friend drink before. Quinn shakes her head and reaches for her fourth before pausing.

“Rachel found the videos,” she says before chuckling mirthlessly and taking a sip from her glass. Santana mulls this over, lifting a glass to her own lips.


In silence, the pair drinks until Santana goes to order a basket of chilli fries and another round of drinks. When she returns, Quinn is resting her forehead on top of her folded arms.

“What did she say?” Santana asks.

“Nothing. She was asleep when I got home. My laptop was lying on her bed and when I opened it, one of the videos was on the screen.”

Santana snickers as Quinn slumps her head back down onto the table.

“So Berry knows you’re a big gay perv,” she says with a shrug. “She was going to find out eventually.”

Quinn raises her head to give Santana a look of disbelief.

“Maybe this wasn’t the best way to tell her…” Santana continues before her eyes light up. “Did she watch the video?! Which one was it?”

“I don’t know! I was a little busy freaking out that…”

“That she might shun you for being a…” Santana glances around the practically empty bar over-exaggeratedly and lowers her voice, “lesbian? Have you met Rachel? Y’know, the one who has two gay dads and a gay best friend and plans on working in quite possibly the gayest business in the world?”

“Could you say gay a little more loudly? I don’t think the old guy at the other side of the bar heard you,” Quinn mumbles with an embarrassed roll of her eyes. She takes a longer sip on her glass and sighs. “She won’t shun me. I just didn’t want her to find out like this.”

“Then maybe you should have hidden your porn better,” Santana says simply. “Look, it isn’t the end of the world. Who knows? Maybe she enjoyed it.”

Quinn tilts her head to the side as a whole series of images that she barely lets herself think about when she’s lying in bed waltz into her mind. Rachel enjoying gay porn. Rachel getting herself off while watching gay porn.

Santana sighs and snaps her fingers in front of Quinn, making her best friend jump.

“Your subtlety is rather astounding,” she says drily. “It’s not as though you labelled the videos ‘Rachel, watch this because I have a huge crush on you and would really, really like to try this out sometime…’”

Quinn’s cheeks burn bright red and she shakes her head, before regretting her decision to do so. The alcohol has reached her empty stomach and the bar has started to spin a little. She reaches for the chilli fries that have just arrived at the table.

“You look like you’re going to hurl,” Santana notes. “At least if you and Berry do get your shit together, you’ll be the cheapest date she’s ever had.”

“Shut up,” Quinn slurs and closes her eyes. “Just get me another drink if you’re not going to say anything constructive.”

“Repressed,” Santana says in a sing-song voice before heading towards the bar.

“Asshole,” Quinn calls after her before the giggles start.

“Lightweight,” Santana says, flipping Quinn off before turning back to the barman.


Part 2

faberry, faberry week, nc-17, fic

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