fic: Put Another Dime In The Jukebox (Baby)

Sep 15, 2011 13:25

TITLE: Put Another Dime In The Jukebox (Baby)
SUMMARY: What if, pre-Glee, Dianna goes to a club with some friends and this girl is singing wearing ripped jeans and a tight vest and some stuff happens?
WORDS: 3,718
NOTES: I blame PC for this fic. And this video. Thanks to Ilona, Iris, Henna and Nikki for their thoughts.

The line for the club stretches halfway down the block and it’s moving at a snail’s pace. Dianna doesn’t mind though. It’s summer and she’s with friends and she’s just landed an amazing job. It’s time to let her hair down and relax for a night, just one night before she’s caught up with meeting her new castmates, script read-throughs and filming the pilot.

One of her friends starts to moan that if they’d gone to another club, they’d be inside by now but Dianna tells her to be patient. She has a feeling about this one.

“A feeling, right,” her friend replies with a grin. “It’s a club, Di. We’ll get some drinks, dance a little… what could you possibly have a ‘feeling’ about? This place looks kinda sketchy.”

“We’re nearly there,” another friend points out. The doors open and a blast of music follows that makes Dianna light up.

“Karaoke,” she says.

“Nerd,” her friends reply in unison, still inching towards the doors.


Amazingly, they find a table near the stage and a couple of guys waste no time in buying them a round of drinks. Dianna smiles at the one who seems to have attached himself to her elbow and politely declines his four or five offers to dance. He moves on to her friend who immediately struts off towards the dancefloor without a backward glance.

“You could have given that guy a break,” chastises her other friend. “He just wanted to dance.”

“I don’t feel like dancing,” Dianna says. “I’d rather just watch…”

There’s a cheer from the crowd followed by clapping and whooping from a table at the other side of the stage as the next singer climbs up. She takes the microphone, adjusting the stand to suit her height better and nods for the band to start.

Dianna’s friend squeals as the riff from ‘that Britney song’ screams out from the amplifier.

“Joan Jett,” Dianna murmurs, eyes trained on the singer. It’s hard not to stare at her; the way she takes a confident swig from her bottle of beer before setting it down on the ground, the way she shimmies her hips with the start of the song, the way her top is tight enough to show off just enough cleavage but not so low that it could be called slutty, the way her hand trails down the mic stand… Dianna feels her grip on the glass in front of her tighten as her mouth runs dry and she tries to swallow.

“Jesus, Di,” her friend hisses in her ear. “Stare a little harder.”

Dianna feels herself blush but her eyes never leave the petite singer as she drinks in every movement, every nuance, every subtle grind of the brunette’s hips and every time she brings her hand up to run it through her hair before slapping it against her hipbone.

“Or maybe I should get a bowl for all of the drool.”

Rolling her eyes, Dianna glances at her friend before turning back as the singer slowly bends her knees, lowering herself towards the stage. Biting her lip between her teeth, Dianna struggles to suppress a groan as a ripple of something that can only be described as total lust rockets through her entire body.

If she had slightly more confidence and a lot less class, she’d be catcalling and leering like the guys at the table next to her.

When the other girl reaches the chorus, everyone is singing along. The singer throws her fist in the air in time to the drums, bouncing on the balls of her feet before dipping down towards the stage again. When she starts to beckon the crowd with her finger on the last line, her eyes connect with Dianna’s and she grins, causing the blonde to blush more deeply than before.

When their gaze breaks, Dianna’s eyes immediately drop back to the girl’s hips which, again, are grinding ever so slightly back and forth. Her mind transports her to her bedroom, the girl above her, those hips rolling against hers.

“I need another drink,” Dianna announces to no-one. Her friend has already fled to the dancefloor. She gives up the table and makes her way to the bar, ordering a double of the first thing she sees.


When Lea finishes the song, she grabs her almost empty bottle of beer and jumps down from the stage towards her friends who are by far cheering the loudest. She glances over her shoulder, searching for the cute blonde who’d been at the other side of the stage but she’s gone and there are new people at her table. Frowning slightly, Lea drains the rest of her bottle and heads for the bar, searching the dancefloor for any sign of her.

When she finds her standing at the bar, nursing a glass of clear liquid, she pauses for a second to collect her thoughts. Granted, most of her thoughts appear to involve pushing the blonde against a hard surface and running her tongue over every bare inch of her skin. She isn’t even sure what it is about this girl that she’s finding so intoxicating. She’s used to being around beautiful women and she’s used to people staring but she isn’t used to whatever feeling this woman has aroused in her.

With a deep breath, she squares her shoulders and all but marches up to the bar, ordering whatever catches her eye and turning to look at blonde.

“Can I get you a drink?”

The other girl looks at her, raises her glass slightly and shakes her head, a small smile crossing over her lips.

“Do you want to dance?”

“No, thank you,” she declines with another shake of her head.

Taking a long sip on her drink and setting her glass down on the bar, Lea decides to try one more question. She steps in close to the blonde and feels her shiver as Lea trails a finger up her arm.

“Do you want to get out of here?”

Without hesitation, the other girl responds with a whispered ‘yes’ and Lea pulls away, a grin spreading over her face.

“Give me a minute,” she says and bounds back to the table her friends are still occupying. She doesn’t explain. She stops long enough to kiss her best friend on the cheek and grab her blazer before running back to the bar.


Oh my god.

Dianna’s thoughts are racing. She’s going home with the singer. She’s going to have a one night stand. It’s very much unlike her. It’s very much rock and roll. She drains the rest of her drink and waits for the other girl to return, wondering if she should tell her friends that she’s leaving.

She spots them both, still dancing with the guys who had bought them the drinks when they’d first arrived and decides that they’ll figure it out for themselves. She’ll apologise tomorrow if they’re annoyed.

A hand on her arm tells her it’s time to go and in silence, they walk out of the club.

“My place is close by,” Dianna hears herself say, unsure of the protocol having never done this before.

“I’m crashing on a friend’s couch,” the brunette replies, tugging on her blazer. Dianna’s teeth run over her bottom lip as she looks her up and down, eyes roaming over the girl’s ripped jeans and that ludicrously tight vest. Sensing that she might be a little nervous, the brunette steps in close, placing a hand on Dianna’s waist. “Are you sure about this?”

Dianna nods quickly and tugs the girl’s hand into hers, pulling her off down the block past the queue of people still waiting to get inside. As they near the end, she feels herself being pushed towards a poorly lit alley. Despite having a height advantage, Dianna is backed against the brick wall and the shorter woman’s hips roll gently into hers. She bites back a moan as the girl’s eyes meet her own.

“We could get caught,” she muses and Dianna nods, longing for the girl to touch her. Right now she couldn’t care less if the entire queue of people turned their attention down the alley. “I’m guessing you don’t care.”

With a slight smirk, the brunette pushes forward once again and captures Dianna’s lips in her own, grasping the back of her head and crushing their mouths together. The feeling that surges through Dianna is intense, like nothing she’s ever felt from just a kiss. She wants to pull away and suggest that they go to her place because really, it isn’t far and her bed is much more comfortable than the wall but she can’t find it in herself to detach from the singer; especially when one of her hands untangles from Dianna’s hair and slides down her body to nestle between her legs, pushing them apart.


When she pulls her mouth away, Lea licks her lips causing the taller girl to whimper. Her hazel eyes are glazed, her lips are a little swollen, her hair is mussed up and god, she’s virtually trembling. Glancing down the length of their bodies, Lea tries to remember when her hand landed between the girl’s legs. She twists it slightly, bringing the heel of her hand right up against the apex of the blonde’s legs, and watches her hips jut forwards, grinding against her.

“God,” the blonde bites out, trying desperately to keep her voice low.

Lea pushes a little harder and watches the girl’s eyes roll back before her head lulls backwards resulting in a loud thud.

“Shit,” Lea exclaims, reaching up to touch the back of the taller girl’s head. “Are you okay?”


“I’m sorry,” Lea says, biting down on her bottom lip. “We should go. If you still want to.”

With a roll of her eyes, the taller girl pulls Lea in for another kiss.

“I want to.”

Having only lived in the city for a month or so, Lea is hopelessly lost as soon as they’ve turned a couple of corners but soon the girl is stopping outside a building and pulling keys out of her purse. Three flights of stairs later, they’re in front of her door. The kiss resumes as soon as they’re inside. It’s less frantic and hurried than before but soon builds to the point where Lea is ready to rip the blonde’s clothes off.

“Bedroom,” the other girl whispers, breaking away from Lea’s mouth for a moment before guiding her backwards along the hallway. Lea feels her blazer being tugged off and hears it drop to the floor as they go; her legs give out as she’s pushed towards the bed. She reaches to pull the other girl down on top of her but the blonde has moved away, moving quickly around the room to close the curtains. “Nosy neighbour…”

Lea nods and beckons her back to the bed, a smile on her face.

“Take it off,” the brunette says, nodding to the shirt the blonde is wearing. Lea slides backwards, leaning back on her elbows to watch the taller woman unbutton the shirt then toss it to the floor. “And those.”


Dianna’s gaze falters when she’s left standing in her underwear and blushes when she notices the brunette’s tongue darting out to wet her lips.

“Your turn,” Dianna says, crawling onto the bed next to her. The brunette kicks off her boots and arches off the bed to slide off her jeans. Feeling slightly braver, Dianna leans in close and whispers, “Those too.” With a smirk, the shorter woman drags her panties down over her thighs.

“You’ll need to help with this corset thing.”

She sits up and turns her back towards Dianna, whose fingers shake a little as she undoes the little hook at the top of the zip. As she pulls it down, she places a kiss against the brunette’s neck, teeth grazing over tan flesh. With a shiver, the shorter woman pulls the straps of the vest down before tossing her last article of clothing to the floor. When she tries to turn around, Dianna tells her not to and urges her to get on her knees instead.


Humouring the blonde, Lea shifts up onto her knees and feels firm thighs slide next to hers before an arm wraps around her waist and pulls their bodies together.

“Is this okay?” a husky voice sounds in her ear as one hand slides up to brush delicate strokes along the underside of her breasts. Her response dies in her throat as another hand starts to stroke the inside of her thighs, nails leaving faint lines on her skin.

“Yeah,” Lea exhales, grinding backwards against the taller woman. This isn’t exactly how she imagined the night going when she left the club. Then again, at that point, most of her thoughts had extended to having her fingers buried inside the blonde. There will be time for that later.

She’s brought back to the present when a firm hand starts to massage her breast, tugging gently at her nipple every so often. She turns her head to the side and locks onto the intense gaze of the other woman, biting down on her lip as her hips grind backwards again.

“I want you to fuck me.”


Dianna’s mouth falls open in a quiet moan before the brunette presses an urgent kiss to her lips.


The brunette runs a hand up to cup Dianna’s cheek; the other slides on top of the hand currently stroking her thigh. Dianna guides their joined hands higher until two sets of fingers are touching the brunette, exploring the wetness that’s rapidly forming. When Dianna’s fingers explore a little higher, brushing over the other woman’s clit, their kiss breaks and there’s a plea for more.

Dianna obliges, slender fingers pushing hard against the swollen nub and turning quick circles around it, feeling the brunette’s lower half buck erratically against her, forwards then backwards until Dianna’s fingers move away, dropping slightly lower to circle her entrance. When the other girl tries to rock her hips down, Dianna moves her hand away, chuckling softly at the pout she’s awarded.

“Tease,” is the whimpered response to her actions.

When Dianna’s fingers return, she wastes no time in pushing herself inside causing the brunette to jut forwards. Dianna pulls her upright again for another kiss and starts to rock her fingers in and out, hips pushing forwards against the curve of the brunette’s ass. They settle into a rhythm, bodies moving together as though they’ve known each other’s tempos for a long time.

And for a brief moment, Dianna finds herself wondering if this could be more than a one night stand.


You don’t even know her name.

The thought pops into Lea’s head as she moans against the other woman’s neck before nipping her pulse point gently with her teeth. Her entire body is on edge: the fingers sliding in and out of her, the pull of the hand clamped to her breast, the proximity of their bodies. It’s too much and somehow not enough.

“Harder,” she moans, pressing her hand on top of the one between her thighs. “So close.”

For a brief moment, she’s dismayed when the blonde’s hand drops away from her chest until she feels the lithe fingers circle her clit. She curses, throwing a hand out to brace herself against the mattress as she falls forward.



Dianna watches the body in front of her come undone. The muscles around her fingers tighten as the brunette’s orgasm flows through her, their hips still crashing together as moans rise from the shorter woman’s lips.

Then there’s silence.

The brunette flops down on the bed full and rolls onto her back, smiling lazily up at Dianna.

“Wow,” she murmurs, eyes slightly glazed. Dianna can’t help but grin in response, crawling up the brunette’s body. Their kiss is languid this time; fingertips draw patterns on Dianna’s back before subtly unhooking the clasp of her bra. It joins the rest of the clothes on the floor quickly followed by Dianna’s remaining piece of clothing.

“Is this what you imagined when you started talking to me at the bar?” Dianna asks before tugging the brunette’s bottom lip between her teeth.


Dianna nods.

“I didn’t think we’d make it out of the alley,” she says and rolls Dianna onto her back. Their kiss ends and the brunette starts to wriggle her way down Dianna’s body. Her hands are quick and sure as they tug gently on Dianna’s nipples before her mouth pulls them up into stiff peaks.

Whimpering when strong fingers run through her folds, Dianna arches up off the bed and mutters a plea.

“I didn’t hear that,” the brunette says, tracing a pattern down the blonde’s abdomen with her tongue.

“You don’t have to be gentle with me.”


With the blonde’s words ringing in her ears, Lea nips at her skin and glances upwards before lowering her mouth again, shifting higher and sucking a straining nipple between her lips. Listening to the blonde pant and gasp beneath her, Lea pushes her legs apart and slides her thigh between them, pressing hard against her.

The blonde’s hips cant upwards as she tries to find the right angle, anything that will give her some sort of satisfaction. With a moan of frustration, Lea feels her hand being pushed back between the taller woman’s legs, fingers slipping between the soaked folds. With her own moan causing ripples of sensation to course through the body beneath her, Lea slides two fingers inside. She tugs the nipple harder than before and the blonde curls upwards causing Lea to detach and glance upwards with concern.


Curling her fingers, Lea thrusts deeper inside the blonde, over and over; their mouths have reattached and their bodies are grinding frantically against one another’s. She feels the blonde’s hands pulling her hips as close to her own as possible but it just isn’t enough.

“Go down on me,” she whispers, pulling away from Lea’s lips.

Too dazed to contemplate doing anything else, she breaks away from the blonde’s mouth and slides down between her legs, lapping at the wetness eagerly. Fingers curl in her hair as she flicks the tip of her tongue over the blonde’s clit, repeating the action when a guttural moan rips from the other woman’s chest.

“Again,” the voice is moaning, hips arching up to meet Lea’s mouth.

Lea obliges, sucking the swollen nub between her lips. The hands in her hair tighten their grip as the taller woman jerks wildly beneath her.

“Fuck,” is the whisper from near the top of the bed. Lea drags herself back up the bed and collapses onto her back next to the blonde. She smiles at the ceiling, feeling her eyelids droop. “Stay?”

It’s a murmured request and one that Lea has no intention of disobeying.


Dianna stretches out, rolling onto her side. She finds the other side of the bed empty, as she’d expected. Gathering the sheets around her, she glances around her bedroom floor. The ripped jeans and tight, black vest are gone.

In the hall, the blazer has disappeared.

In the kitchen, however, there’s a short brunette staring out the window across the city, holding a huge mug of coffee. Dianna clears her throat and the woman turns, turning a bright shade of red.

“Morning,” Dianna says.

“Hey,” the woman replies. “I’m sorry about stealing your coffee. I can’t function without a mug of it in the morning.”

“Me neither,” Dianna says, shuffling towards the pot, still wrapped up in her sheet. She pours a mug and leans against the counter. “So, last night…”

“Last night was pretty intense,” the brunette says, taking a long sip of her coffee. They share a quick smile. “I should go.”

Dianna wants to stop her; wants to push her against the counter and rip those clothes off all over again. But instead, she watches the other woman take one last sip of her coffee and place the mug in the sink. As she walks out of the kitchen, she stops to press a kiss to Dianna’s cheek.

“I had a really great time,” she whispers.

And then she’s gone.


Lea stares at the door she’s just closed and takes a step back. She toys with the idea of knocking on it, in the hope that the blonde answers and she can drag her back to the bedroom.

It takes her a couple of minutes to force herself to leave, buttoning a few buttons on her blazer as she exits the building.

With a quick backward glance, she starts walking down the street, deciding it’s for the best. She has her career to think about now and ridiculously hot, nameless blondes probably wouldn’t impress her new bosses.


Two days later and with the smile of the petite brunette still firmly present in most of her conscious, and subconscious, thoughts, Dianna makes her way to the first read-through of the pilot episode with her new castmates.

Smoothing down her skirt, Dianna takes a deep breath, plasters a smile across her face and nervously pushes the door open. Around the room, people are milling in small groups. She’s greeted immediately by one of the men who will be directing the TV show she’s been cast in. He introduces her to some of her co-stars and one of the other directors before announcing that it’s time to start.

Taking a seat, Dianna reaches for her script and flicks through the first couple of pages.

“How about we all introduce ourselves?” the man next to Dianna says and the introductions start. Dianna’s gaze sweeps around the table before locking with the woman sitting across from her.

The very familiar woman across the table.

The very familiar woman who is trying not to stare back at her.

“I’m Lea, I’ll be playing Rachel Berry,” she says, eyes darting to meet Dianna’s.

“I’m Dianna. And I’ll be playing Quinn Fabray,” Dianna finishes, smiling at everyone around the room. When her eyes meet Lea’s again, she feels her stomach start to churn and she’s pretty sure that the brunette is thinking the exact same thing she is.

Oh shit.

achele, nc-17, fic

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