1. Favorite scent: my own
2. Favorite way to relax: designing
3. Favorite movie you own: reservoir dogs ("why am i Mr Pink??, cuz your a faggot!!")
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: Sin City
5. Favorite male movie star: Chris Rock
6. Favorite female movie star: Jessica Alba
7. Favorite book genre: dont read
8. Favorite clothing store: So cal.
9. Favorite non-clothing store: Sam Goody
10. Favorite cartoon character: One Piece
11. Favorite CD you own: Aseop Rock - Bazooka Tooth
12. Favorite CD you don't already own: Esthero - Wikked Lil Grrrls
13.favorite singer:
14.favorite rapper: atmosphere
15. Pass the torch and tag 4 of your LJ friends!