I have a new journal. New year, new journal..
hey boo Speshul.
Today i went on a date with rick. It was good. We had good food. And we did some kissing. hahaha ONLY JOKING
Rick, for the first time in all the time ive known him, finally experienced the full force of my horrible laugh while we were in the pub. Oh dear.
I bought some new shoes with my christmas vouchers. They are red and cool. I dont know i like them now though cos they clash with my coat. I also got earrings. And the new Most Precious Blood album. MPB cost me £8. I wanted the Peaches album too but that was £15 or £14 cant remember now. Either way, ouch. Ill order it online and just listen to the mp3s for now.
I also got heartattack and fracture to read. which is what i will be doing tonight as there is noone around, everyones gone for christmas and im a big loner. Til whenever new year is, then its Alan fun all the way. I have no food except christmas chocolate and sweets. i just made the most horrid pasta ever.
I'm going to book tickets to go to Manchester next week. that might be nice. ho ho ho.
My house is so cold im going to get in the bath to warm up.
Zoe stayed over last night, she spooned me and held my hand while we were sleeping.
I have a ballgown now, im going to wear it