abolish money for a world of BEARing

Oct 18, 2008 14:17

man, for real, fuck some money.
im trying to stay as positive as possible but the more realistically i examine my life and the responsibilites i need to take on the more worried i become about money. i just dont have enough. i dont make enough. i really love my job, i really do, but i cant help feeling that its just not worth it sometimes. im all about supporting independent buisness but its not supporting me back.tonight will be the sixth night i worked this week which means ive worked every shift i could without working doubles and i MIGHT break $400 on my paycheck. sounds good right? not good. i get paid every 2 weeks. i make less than $800 a month and IF IM LUCKY $9000 a  year. thats sucks because i kiiiinnda work my ass off and am really dedicated to my job. its hard to have your heart in something so much and it not benefit the way it should. i need a new job but i dont want one. i WANT A RAISE OR SOMETHING BUT GODDAMNIT I KNOW THEY WONT GIVE IT TO ME CAUSE THEYRE PENNY PINCHING BASTARDS and god that sucks to say because i love and admire those two but ITS TRUE.

im still trying to be more productive, or at least get in the mindset but so far it hasnt worked out too well. i never did clean my room. but i DID do laundry, which desperatly needed to be done (ever wore the same pair of pants for 3 weeks and sweated profusly in them every other day? smells fucking great) and picked up empty beer cans, which i now have to do again because my house is the only place to ever chil (which gets really old sometimes). there are a lot of things i need to do today (none of which are posting on lj), most of which involve shelling out my hard earned money and im pretty sure my bank account will be empty if i can ever get there in time to withdraw. i also toold simone i was going to come test ride the bike shes selling me but i might not have time. im also suposed to call andrew from broken chords sing a little because they asked US(miischa)  to do a split 7" (!!!11!1!) and we gotta figure shit out. apparently they know a d.i.y. record label that migh put it out on some colorreeedddddd vinyl. im a little nervous i must admit. but verrryy excited. i also need to practice with v! so we can not suck tommorw when we play with ALGERNOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
in lieu of all the things i need to get done im gettting the fuck out.
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