P... Phosphorous
You scored 43 Mass, 49 Electronegativity, 26 Metal, and 10 Radioactivity!
You're high energy... really high. Unfortunately, you don't always put your energy to calm constructive use and sometimes let it all out in intense bursts. If your energy can be harnessed however, you will produce truly great things. I suggest you take up a job that runs you ragged... like opening and closing a Sodium-Potassium pump. Socially you ought to hang with a crowd that is even more social than you. If you don't, well... all those people who spontaneously combusted throughout history... you guessed it, phosphorous people who didn't have enough to occupy themselves. When picking friends make sure most of them rated high on the electronegativity scale... Chlorines, Oxygens and whatnot.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 63% on Mass
You scored higher than 90% on Electroneg
You scored higher than 4% on Metal
You scored higher than 44% on Radioactivity
The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by
effataigus on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Question mark
You scored 53% Sociability and 29% Sophistication!
You are the soul of the inquiring mind--you are the glory of the scientist and the bane of the pseudo-scientist. But, more than that, you, more than any other, can indicate changes in pitch in dialogue. What other punctuation mark can do that? Yes, you are one of the "common herd." So? The problem with that is . . . ? You get along well with others, because they all respect you. You have no natural enemies.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 63% on Sociability
You scored higher than 11% on Sophistication
The Which Punctuation Mark Are You Test written by
Gazda on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Bow down to me for I am a question mark ? ! rofl
Humble Body
53% mind-love and 40% body-love!
That's right! You are physically humble! In my opinion, humility is a great virtue. Regardless of the true state of your body, you don't consider yourself superior to others. Even if you are totally hot.
Humble individuals are most likely to recongnize flaws in themselves and therefore are best equipped for improvement.
The smiley face in the below graph indicates where you lie, in a 2-D measure of self-love. I'm continually adjusting the cutoffs. What this means: a "normal" says you really are around the average, and a "cocky" says you really are cockier than most other people. Based on some real-world testing, I have some final advice:
- don't date someone if your squares are not sharing an edge or corner.
- friendships more than 2 squares away probably aren't healthy.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 24% on mind
You scored higher than 22% on body
The How Much Do You Love Yourself Test written by
chicken_pot_pie on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Huzzah
You scored 28% exotic, 66% fragile, and 51% complex!
Traditional flower symbolism: modesty.
Which is ironic, seeing how it's called "Cosmos." Cause there are much more aggrandizing names out there, like...ummm...no, can't think of any :)
Your opposite is the Lotus.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 21% on exotic
You scored higher than 96% on fragile
You scored higher than 22% on complex
The What Flower Are You? Test written by
gnomee666 on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Yay for me!
*dances around* I like Brian! la la la la!! and it's not the old yucky creepy one. This is a new Brian, he's uber sweet XD. *dances around some more*