I'm still being pants at updating, aren't I? The only reason you're getting and update now is that I'm working from home today! Oh well...
I'm being sent to France for work reasons next week. Fortunately, it looks like
penguinontherun and I will actually manage to meet up this time around! Fingers crossed I don't pick any illnesses up though. I had quite enough of that in March!
It also looks increasingly like I'm going to be sent to various bits of the world for business reasons later on in the year. The timings/destinations I've heard being bandied around are September and October to do Hong Kong, New York (or possibly Toronto), Paris, and maybe São Paulo, which is all very exciting and quite nerve-wracking. Eep!
Life on the technology-front has been busy. mR and I bought ourselves a Wii (enormous fun, I highly recommend it! Now all I need is to locate a Wii Fit...), I bought myself an iPod Touch with my birthday money, and mR has bought himself a higher specced digital camera which means I now get to use his previous camera. w00t! mR has already taken a fantastic picture of a goldfinch on my niger seed feeder, which I'll be posting to
backyard_birds as soon as I get my hands on a digital copy of it.
I've also been doing some reading.
62 books so far this year, with four more on the go and a To Read pile of a further 10. That's pretty good going for me these days! Of course, with two journeys on the Eurostar coming up, that total so far may jump a bit!
This weekend sees mR and I visiting MeW to have a massage each. That's pretty much all we've got planned, which is a good thing. I need some serious down-time; the holiday seems so long ago already.
Right. On with the work.