:tumbleweed blowing across the road:

Nov 22, 2007 08:42

I wonder if anyone is still watching this blog...?

Life has been very hectic, and looks to remain so until sometime in 2008. Possibly 2009. With a mixture of highs (fabulous evenings of fine food, good wine and friends and family!) and lows (six hours of tension at work due to the belief that I had single-handedly negatively impacted the entire teams' bonus pool due to very very very wrong information being supplied to a fund manager....) I've got no chance of catching up. So I'm not going to try.

The belly dancing class continues to be excellent fun. We've been working on a routine for the hour of class that is being thrown open for other people to watch in early December. The teacher recorded us walking through it this week, so of course I had a crisis with my jangly scarf! V. amusing, but it did spoil the look of the thing!

Meeting up with tybalt_quin and dozydormouse tonight, so that should be fun. Also have someone's leaving drinks after work tomorrow - ooh, that's a point. I'd better track down who's got the leaving card etc. :makes a note:

thursday, life, work, busy

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