Dec 25, 2007 22:00
Merry Christmas everyone!
Today was kind of interesting. Twas the first Christmas I worked. I was looking foward to it for time and a half mainly but by the end of the day I realized I got so much more out of it than money.
I walked in with 2 notes from my co-worker. "Merry Christmas Allison! There are gifts to be delivered" and "Hi Allison! Can you give this DVD player to so and so and get it back later? Thanks!" So by 9:45am I had hooked up a DVD player which was good considering I had no clue what it even was (it was SOOO small!). The rest of the morning I did trivia and whatnot with others. I ate my lunch and then I went to deliver presents.
I was kind of nervous doing this since some of the residents I had never spoken to some I hesitantly walked in and gave them gifts. Some I had seen before but never said more than a hello or anything. Some of these residents's faces lit up when i told them they got something. One in particular stood out in my mind...there was a woman who stays in bed and has a feeding tube...I found out later her husband is in the building too but they don't associate with each other which I found rather sad. So I walked in (I had always said hi...or in this case "Hola!" since she speaks spanish.) and said Feliz Navidad and got out the gift and told her "Para ti" (for know considering I haven't spoke a stitch of spanish since senior year I think I did very good). Anyway, this woman put her hand out and just held my hand for a solid minute...I don't think she can speak very well if at all (number of strokes). I seriously was it was very odd but i felt so...I heart felt for this woman...
In conclusion, I got the best gift this year...I guess my Zelda hoodie I got was nothing in comparison to this feeling. :3