EXAMSSSS .. bahhh

May 26, 2005 20:36

I'm thinking core studies two went really badly! pretty sure I totally messed up section B, and A wasn't very brilliant either. For B i jsut made up some of the sample stuff he he.... for Schacter and singer i put the had a sample of about 40 when it was infact about 180!!! and they were all students.. damn me!

At least I found core studies one easy!

English tomorrow, should be fine. But there again the first two papers decided to be the three questions I realllly didn't want. I jinxed! I say before the exam if its a review I'm screwed. Open the damn thing and it is!


I'm gonna fial Polive powers etc in Law because stupid mr Mackie taught it like before Christmas and I swear we haven't finished it... Looks like the text book will be out!
Maths has the potential to go badly too, but shoullld be ok!!!

I really hate this time of year! Its so stressful and you don't have any time to chill out after a stressful exam, because theres always another one looming!

And to top things off I'm not sleeping well again. I ty to go to bed early but an't sleep so in turn I can't get up and then can't sleep again that night because I'm just not tired! Anyone know anything (except hot chocolate) that makes you sleepy?
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