endless rain, fall on my heart

Jun 29, 2005 22:07

This could probably use some editing, but I keep getting bored of editing one paragraph in -_-;;

edit, 11:49pm - alright, I finally editted it. I changed tense like eight hundred times ^_^

title: Hollow
fandom: FMA
pairing: Al/Martel
words: 793
spoilers: eps 40
rating: G, I guess


There is little stranger than having a person inside you.

She lifts up my head and slithers into my chest before I can resist. I tremble at the feeling of invasion - so bizarre - but there's nothing I can do. It's not the first time she's done this, so I already know it's futile.

The look on brother's face is hysterical, and I focus on that until the sheer wrongness of her being there isn't as strong. And I focus on what she's telling us until I'm so distracted that I don't notice it anymore. By the time we leave, her presence inside of me has become so normal that I barely notice it.


Her voice is different when it comes from within. It echoes like a ghost, but I'm not afraid. It's comforting, the way she murmurs to herself when no one's around. The way she curses Hawkeye whenever we pass by her. "Bread-stealing bitch" is her favourite insult for the First Lieutenant. I find myself telling her that she shouldn't swear, that she shouldn't be so vulgar, that she shouldn't hate Lieutenant Hawkeye for no good reason, but she doesn't listen. She's stubborn like that.

Just like brother.


I watch her as she stretches after a long day trapped within my shell of a body. She catches me watching her and winks in her saucy way. Were I able to, I would blush. It's then that I realize she's beautiful. Much prettier than anyone I've seen before. Her looks aren't entirely human and maybe that's the draw. Her snakelike qualities make her different from everyone else. The tattoo across her face and neck add to her odd beauty and I know that I'm staring but I can't stop.

She's teasing me, but I'm not sure what she's saying because there's a pounding sound drowning her out. Were my body human, I would swear it was my heartbeat.


Just looking at her I know this is wrong. She's a chimera, and she must be at least twice my age. But I'm still staring. Aside from me and brother competing over Winry as children, I have no experience with women. No experience with crushes. After all, I'm a suit of armour. Who would want me?

I can't see her through the darkness, but I know she's there, sleeping in brother's bed while he's in Lior. So nearby that I can hear her breathing and even that sound is terribly distracting. Without warning it changes and she's moving and the weight in my bed shifts as she curls up beside my cold, metal body.

"Couldn't sleep in that bed," she mutters tiredly, "it smells like your brother." She wrinkles her nose in distaste.

I sit rigidly in bed, holding a breath I couldn't have taken because I don't need to breathe. And I don't know how much time passes, but it must be hours before I can relax again. I tentatively reach to brush her hair away from her face, and I'm almost disappointed when, as expected, I can't feel it. She make a small sound of approval in her sleep, so I stroke my unfeeling fingers through her short hair until the sun comes up and I flee the room before she wakes.


She shouldn't wander alone. I guess it's my fault - if I hadn't left her alone, she wouldn't have left. But now I can't find her and I can't ask if anyone's seen her because then they'd know that she was here.

I wander into a courtyard and she comes running to me, a panicked look on her face. And she's babbling nonesense, but I'm not listening as I pull off my head and gesture for her to hide, even though there's no one nearby. The feeling of her within my body is natural now, and I don't shiver because it's odd, but because she's so close.

And her voice is echoing as she speaks, and I can't believe what she's saying. I turn to see him coming, and the shock is too much. I can't move as the sword slides down my throat. And I can't move as she makes a sound like she's choking and I hear her take a last shuddering breath. And I can't move as he tells me he's saved me from the terrifying chimera.

The Ouroborus on his eye is mocking me.

And all I can do as her blood runs down my legs is sink to my knees in the realization that it was my fault that she went out alone in the first place. It was my fault that she found him. And it was for my sake that she died.

She's still inside me, but I've never felt more empty.

fma, fic

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