Modern Gaming

Apr 25, 2009 14:20

You know what strikes me about most of the games out right now? The shit on the new consoles, not the last straggling drips from the PS2 and Gamecube and XBox or whatever.

They all feel like launch titles. Like the programmers aren't sure what they've got to work with, so they're just trying to jazz up the old stuff. It's all clumsy and...


We're not at launch-time anymore, right? We can test these consoles, finally. We can experiment, right? Instead of just going with old standards? People are supposed to experiment, right? Play with visual styles, play with gameplay. I mean, okay, I can understand some of it, you need to make money, but some of you aren't exactly at risk of going out of business.

Can we have something new now? Something with an actual fun-factor for the people between casual and hardcore? Can we have a game that doesn't fall into some extreme of sunshine or "gritty realism"? Can we get some gritty realism that isn't brown?


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