Sep 25, 2005 01:56
There arent a lot of absolutes in college. In fact I do believe most college students dont realize absolute ends in "e". I have been really confused by the basic lack of social skill/consideration/respect/opinion that the average NJ college kid. I was searching for something, anything that I could be like "well at least they all agree on this".
I found it. House rules for beer pong.
Its the only thing that people may question but still accept and follow like its law. People dont even take the laws as serious as the beer pong rules. A NJ college student will have sex with a 16 year old, go to a club, buy alcohol for a minor, do some lines of coke, get drunk and drive home and their friends will not show any outrage at their violation of laws, in fact they will likely praise it. The next night the same person could go and play beer pong with their friends and if they are caught blowing the ball out of the cup and are male they have violated a house rule and their friends will errupt with discontent and show great disapproval.
Taking life serious is a bummer bro'
Its pretty sad... pretty sad.