Oct 25, 2004 17:22
hi dee ho
so yup today i ditched school!! yay not really i was sick arhgy.....yup yup so i spent all day recovering
so lets see i woke up....took medacine.....watched 10 things i hate bout u...ate....took medacine.....watched a documentry on the pixies......read a lil....took a shower....took medacine....got online and read some lj's.....got off.....got back on....and here i am.....hee its funny the screen is like rocking back and forth for no aparent reason...i feel like im back on the cruse ship...
well neways i should be back to normalsy morrow...well acctually im planing on getting some tacos tonight! yumm neone going?? gess i should call around and find out the plans huh
other than the whole getting sick part...the getting stared at by some scrry guy and haveing to leave the maze all crazy early! my weekend was pretty good
friday was karolines birthday!! aww she cried!! how sweet i hope u had a wonderful suprize dinner karoline! lub u hope u enjoyed ur gift too!! yay haha then after our "par-tay-ing" oo yeah that was friday then
sat. went to the maze kay wasnt there cause she was w/her sis but lily liz and i had a good time at least while i was there we got crazy lost...but it was fun...hee...then we help sell stuff and avoided the attack bees and the wondering eyes of old men.....word of advice dont keep dancing to lean back when some guy is smiling at u and pulling the huscks of corn...its CREEPY!! and then u have to hide under soadas and talk to customers from teh floor!! lmao!! that was fun!! so then i came home and my parents took my lil bro to his party while sis and i went to the greenery for some sisterly dinner time which was cool casue weve never really had one on one time like that soo it was good then we came home changed in like 5 mins and flew to the symphany and saw cc and jell-o and then came home and i wasnt feeling well and i feel asleep on the couch wehere i spent all day sunday and all day today!! woah...waht fun huh?
wel lneways that was my weekend
this week is nationals for all the good nhiers! good luck to u all!!! hope u guys have a great time and make us all proud i know u will
neways then its holloween and im kinna happy i got sick this weekend casue i always get sick on holloween so at leat i know ill be better by then and ill acctually get to go out tho its on a sunday wich really sucks but o well
we r gonna be pretty lil princesses lmao how funny is that
well well well i think ive babbled enough for the time being
so peace lub unity have fun
zama tory!