о чуде

Aug 30, 2010 19:34

пока я отдыхала на одном прекрасном острове, что находится под властью Британской короны,я, как и следовало ожидать время от времени смотрела bbc. дома я не смотрю тв уже более 12 лет, и телевизор мой недавно сыграл в ящик от такого neglect-а.

и вот чем прекрасны новости bbc - помимо чернухи( которая есть всегда и везде) они рассказывают и о по-настоящему чудесных, светлых и добрых новостях.

вот история, которая взволновала весь мир и меня в том числе. дело происходило в Австралии. матери двоих близнецов - девочки и мальчика -сразу после родов-сообщил врач, что реанимация второго новорожденного ребенка (мальчика) прошла без успеха и ребенка не спасли. поэтому он отдал матери тело ребенка, чтобы попрощаться. они с мужем обняли ребенка и стали вместе плакать и рассказывать ему, как они его бы любили, как его зовут, и что у него есть сестра и не могли расстаться с малышом 2 часа. после чего у ребенка восстановилось дыхание...он открыл глаза... он ожил...
как вы понимаете, диагноз смерти редко ставит один врач - тем более в условиях реанимации. то есть были признаки смерти - отсуствие дыхания, рефлексов, расширение зрачка итд итп.
как говорится молитва матери со дна морского поднимет.

оригинал здесь
( да я знаю, что такое sun, но тем не менее новость была сначала на bbc skynews)

A MUM has told how her touch miraculously brought her "dead" baby back to life.
Aussie doctors gave little Jamie Ogg no chance of survival when he was born prematurely at 27 weeks on March 25, weighing just 2lb. His twin sister Emily survived but Jamie was declared dead. The doctor who delivered him spent 20 minutes battling to get him to breathe.
He was handed to his mother Kate so she and her partner David could grieve and say their goodbyes. But after two hours of being spoken to, touched, cuddled and held by his mum he began showing signs of life. Then after being given breast milk on his mother's finger, he began breathing regularly.

Normally, premature babies are sent to intensive care and she was only given her son to hold because he was thought to have died. Telling how the drama unfolded, she said: "The doctor asked me after the birth had we chosen a name for our son.

"I said, 'Jamie', and he turned around with my son already wrapped up and said, 'We've lost Jamie, he didn't make it, sorry'.
"It was the worse feeling I've ever felt."
She added: "I unwrapped Jamie from his blanket. He was very limp. "His little arms and legs were just falling down away from his body. "I took my gown off and arranged him on my chest with his head over my arm and just held him.

"He wasn't moving at all and we just started talking to him. We told him what his name was and that he had a sister.
"We told him the things we waned to do with him throughout his life."
Jamie occasionally gasped for air, which doctors said was a reflex action.

Kate added: "After just five minutes I felt him move as if he were startled, then he started gasping more and more regularly.
"I thought, 'Oh my God, what's going on?'
"A short time later he opened his eyes. It was a miracle. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger.
"He opened his eyes and moved his head from side to side."

She passed on a message to their doctor that Jamie was showing signs of life, but he sent back a midwife to say they were just natural reflexes.
However, when the doctor returned to the room, he put a stethoscope to Jamie's chest and declared: "I don't believe it." David, speaking to the Aussie TV show Today Tonight, said: "Luckily, I've got a very strong, very smart wife.
"She instinctively did what she did. If she hadn't have done that, then Jamie probably wouldn't be here."

The doctor who delivered Jamie refused to be interviewed for the TV show.

А вот и сама мама с Джейми.

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