I was in Italy, I think either on Erasmus or on vacation, and I'd lost everyone I was traveling with. I'd been inside some sort of tower, probably a church, and I'd just come out on to this big square covered in cobble stones. On the square, there were four or five people. They were all sitting on camping chairs, surrounding this barrel that held a game of chess. Or Uno. It was colourful, but it looked like chess.
From just looking at them, I was immediately sure that they were biologists. They had these green jackets made of oil cloth, and some had binoculars hanging around their necks. There was a miniature train track next to the barrel, and then an actual, huge train track at the other side of the square.
I went up to them, and found out that they were all Swedish except for one woman who was Italian. We started talking in "erasmus english", because it was important that everyone understood each other. I don't remember the conversation itself, only that I had to repeat the word "tundra" many times. I think we were waiting for the train, and I was expecting it to be very old fashioned, with a steam engine and a proper whistle.
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