My head hurts a lot lately. Almost constantly for the past week. I have had headaches before, but only normal, human, everyday headaches. It's never been ever any sort of problem. You take a painkiller, or a cup of coffee, or a nap, and it's gone. This pain doesn't go away, and it's actually starting to interfere with things.
Where does it come from? Why is it here? What does it want?
Is this
a) because I don't have Maggie anymore, and so I don't move around anymore and get fresh air?
b) because I need glasses?
c) because my shoulders have gotten wonky and tense from all the crocheting?
(d) because I spend way too much time by my computer? But if so, why does it hurt now? I've been an internet/media junkie for almost fifteen years, after all, and there have been way more intense periods than this.)
I called mom, and she thought I should take up
Nordic walking. I don't know what is up with her, but lately that's been her solution to everything. Ten years ago, her solution to everything was "garlic".
My theory here is that she either gives silly health related advice on purpose, because she doesn't want family stuff mixing with her professional stuff, OR that since she can't heap her random fixations on the people she's supposed to treat at work, she gives her family a double dose of crazy to keep things balanced. Or she was being sneaky and just said it so I would stop pestering her. Humm.
This song feels appropriate right now.
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