Look look! Look what I got for my birthday! I got cookies! I got cookies from Americaland! I got cookies that have crossed the Atlantic. I got a whole box!
But I only took a picture of three, because I wanted to take a pretty picture with the cookies and the card.
Needless to say, that didn't work out too well. I have no talent for photography. But at least I tried! Here, the picture is just precious.
It reminds me of the illustrations to Uncle Fyodor, His Dog and His Cat by
Eduard Uspenski*. I'm sure the series has been translated into English - if there's anyone out there with a thing for children's lit, I warmly recommend it.
(*Эдуард Успенский)
I am so glad! I would run over and hug you, dearest Pickles, if there was not an ocean in the way. <3
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