Uniklubi Myspace Summer Competition

Jul 07, 2009 17:06

Uniklubi have a summer competition going on at Myspace. Here's how it works:

"Summer time - time for a new competition here on Myspace! This year, the aim of the competition is to increase the number of Uniklubi Myspace friends, and for that we need you to 'recruit' your friends to become Uniklubi fans! With a bit of luck, you can win one of the rare Rakkautta ja piikkilankaa shirts - one of the first ever Uniklubi merchandise items!

So how does it work?
Promote Uniklubi to your friends and make them add the Uniklubi Official Myspace as their friends on Myspace too. Every time someone recruited by you sends a friend request to us, they need to make sure that they add your Myspace user name* in the friend request text box. This is the only way for us to know that it was you who has recruited them. We cannot accept messages or comments that are sent afterwards.
(* Myspace user name: the name that appears in your profile's URL, i.e. www.myspace.com/username)

The more people you recruit, the better are your chances to be one of the winners. The principle: you recruit 1 friend = your name in the competition 1x, you recruit 2 friends = your name in the competition 2x, etc. There's no limit.

To be in the competition, you need to have your own personal Myspace profile and Uniklubi Official must already be one of your friends (for reasons of fairness, no artist/company/support page profiles will be considered for the competition).

The competition is open all summer; closing date is the 31.08.2009. Winners will be drawn randomly, and notified per Myspace message.

So, get started! Have a nice summer, and good luck!"

So whoever has myspace and wants to be in the competition go for it.

news, myspace, competition

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