Brian took me to
H&H Gun Range today. Yes, you read that right. I went to a shooting range today and fired two guns. It was scary and such an adrenaline rush. I was so nervous, I'd look to Brian for support after each shot. I tried to channel
Sara Sidle. Oh speaking of being a dork, I thought it was appropriate to wear one of my FBI shirts. ^^; Once I got into it I kind of got drunk off of it so to speak. Very much a giddy Sara.
This is Brian's gun which he lovingly named Winona. See
It's a Taurus PT92AF 9mm Para semi-auto Pistol.
We weren't allowed to take pictures at the range, but I did take pictures of the targets (which I kept).
I think I did a decent job with Winona Firing a gun made me kind of jumpy and all the protective gear put a lot of pressure on my head so we took a bit of a break.... Then decided to rent a gun with a bit less recoil.
Say HULLO to the
SIG-Sauer P-230.
I had a new target. Mr. Skinny Guy only had a
1 shot warning.
The Range Officer looked at me funny when I went back out to get a new target after that.
Brian and I shared
this last one. I was aiming for the below the lower 7 (hurray for crotch shots) and the head, while Brian went for the body.
It feels odd saying this, but shooting a gun at a target is a much safer form of stress release then some of the stuff I used to do. I'll definitely go again. Dunno if I'll ever own my own gun, but never say never right?!