Sunday Eddie and I leave for Texas. He's going to drive to Staunton after work Saturday night and we leave Sunday morning in my car. The drive will be fairly easy, just like going to Arkansas, only farther. I figure I'm going to try to do most of the driving and let Eddie sleep in the morning and we can switch later. We're both extremely excited. All we can think is ROAD TRIP!!! Eddie has been driving with an expired license since the end of April so he has to take care of it before we leave. Otherwise, you are NOT driving ma cah, sugah!
I've been playing SSX and SSX Tricky trying to hone my skills before I go up against Joan and Vince. Vince may be out of town while we're there. That would suck, because I really want to meet him. I'm excited about meeting Leia too. It's such a big deal for Eddie, ^^;;;
Speaking of SSX, SSX3 is coming. Booyaka. Mac, Elise, Zoe, Moby, Psymon, and Kaori will be returning characters. 10 characters in total, including that French chick they have in the trailer. I'm so psyched. Plus I get my 3 characters, Moby, Psymon and of course my girl Zoe. Eddie and Sheldon must be pissed that I get my faves while they don't... See, last year when the four of us played SSX Tricky like mad, it evened out so that we each had 3 characters that were ours. We each had our one fav +2. No one dares mess with my Zoe. Sheldon has Brodi, Eddie and Elise. Jackie has Kaori, Mac and Marisol. Eddie has JP, Luthor and Seeiah. Granted Sheldon still has Elise, but Brodi was his favorite. Frankly I'm surprised they got rid of JP, Poor Eddie lost everyone. But this new girl seems promising, I have a feeling that she will be a fav along with Zoe.. She's got that look that I like. ~,^ Jackie will be happy with Kaori and Mac.
Screen shot of Zoe from SSX3Screen shot of Frenchie from SSX3 (My nick for the chick, heh)Concept art of Frenchie from the Revamp of