The Secret Sex Cult and the Murder of Stanley Kubrick

Dec 03, 2003 11:09

“Never, ever go near power. Don't become friends with anyone who has real power. It's dangerous.” - Stanley Kubrick

On March 7, 1999, just 4 days after the directors’ screening of Eyes Wide
Shut, Stanley Kubrick was dead. Reports claimed it was a heart attack, though he was in good health and had no previous heart disease. The sudden death of this talented director shocked the world.

And what happened next was equally shocking. Warner Brothers pulled the film, then edited it profusely, before releasing the altered version to the public. No one (who will talk) has ever clarified what was taken out of the film or why. But insiders claim that the film was edited to protect the identities of well-known bankers, politicians, and social elites who are members of the highly sexualized New York Illuminati. In the film, Kubrick exposes the group as child sex traffickers and murderers, and in his directors’ cut - which we will never see - he obviously named names.

In the film, the members of the secret society will stop at nothing, not even murder, to keep their identities hidden. It’s no wonder Kubrick’s death was immediately questioned! But just like in the film, although we are sure murders have taken place, we have no way to prove it. Is Kubrick a real life Nick Nightengale?

And was it really the New York Illuminati who are behind his death? Because another secret society, the Saturn Death Cult, held a grudge too, and they may have finally found the perfect moment to silence the director. The Cult, who famously had members in all branches of government, including the CIA, was behind the faked Moon Landing footage. And Kubrick, though initially appalled when approached for that project, eventually took over direction of the filming for artistic reasons. But he himself was never a member of the Saturn Death Cult. Could it be he was ready to spill the beans? If so, they could not let that happen, and the CIA has several well-known ways of inducing heart attacks in their enemies.

Kubrick really is our Nick Nightengale: He’s given us knowledge of a deadly secret society - and for that he paid the ultimate price
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