
Nov 28, 2011 03:47

I am alive and have many a thing to write about and post, including photos, art stuffs and possibly some rattie shots if I could manage a few :)

The honeymoon was awesome, so is finally getting to wear our rings (that we'd had for 4 years or so), I love the photos that we've been able to see so far, and that the garb is now free game to wear for festivals!

I'm doing a radio show on Trent Radio 92.7 FM ** you can stream it live here http://www.trentu.ca/org/trentradio/

I host it with my good friend Paul, and its called "So tell me more..." talking to people in the Peterborough community about themselves, events and what makes them them! No, its not a paying gig, but it is awesome to be on the radio and interview people live on air -- apparently I'm a natural at it :P

If anyone cared to give a listen, the show is every Thursday from 8:30 - 9:30 pm. ** the winter break hours are coming up, so I believe the last show will be on the 8th and then back in the New Year.

Had a health problem with my breathing (it had been going on for a month and I hit my breaking point - thought it was some sort of allergy, but allergy meds stopped cutting it) so had to go to the ER -- couldn't get a hold of my Doctor for practically the whole month -- but after treatment and 2 different puffer prescriptions, I'm back to not being woken up by not being able to breathe, which is kind of nice. Breathing huh? ** the ER trip was 5 hours and they did the bare minimum to help ~ my Mom was FURIOUS being a retired ER nurse but was happy that I got something to help.

In the mean time I've got the Focus Fair to get work ready for for the 10-11 of December, work already in Gallery in the House on-going this month, have to do some mini's for the Blue Tomato's mini group show, do a couple of interviews and fit in a Doctor and a Dentist appointment in there, plus baking for the "It's getting Chili" chili party that Paul and Barb throw every year.

I still use LiveJournal and still read and appreciate the ones I follow! Just been CRAZY busy etc.

Hope all is well and fun and have a nice tea/coffee/awesome-something on the house!

health, art, life

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