Do not pass go, do not get hooded or walk. Please pay 1500 more dollars.

May 09, 2011 15:26

Today's horoscope:

You are being challenged to find a workable balance between your desire to hang out with your friends and the need to handle other more pressing responsibilities. You would rather ignore the limitations that stern Saturn continues to place on you, but there's no easy way to avoid your current obligations. Nevertheless, you're not that willing to write off your social life. Thankfully, you can get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time now, allowing you to enjoy yourself later in the day.

Let's hope that's true and Horoscope isn't being a lying bitch. Another month of breakneck thesis-ing is before me.

Love from a Sarah

PS I have accepted a third job also because I am an insane person.

late nights, grad school, general insanity, working woman, early mornings, jobness, thesis

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