She says before 6am on Monday.

Nov 15, 2010 06:01

The weekend always holds so much promise, then it's gone.

This one is Harry Potter, then Thanksgiving, THEN SOMEHOW IT IS DECEMBER. WHAT.

Sigh. Again, again and always I need more time.

Love from a Sarah

ETA: I now have a theme song.

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Also. . .that whole time thing. . .you'd think waking up at 5am (on my own couch because watching 2001: A Space Odyssey (FINALLY) apparently wore me out so badly that getting up and going to my own bed proved to be too difficult)would have given me time to knock more things off of my to-do list, but let's examine what I managed:

5:00-5:30 AM Clean kitchen including crumbs leftover from Saturday's impromptu Girl's Night and yesterday's cooking adventures- unload dishwasher, ready garbage for taking out, prepare breakfast

5:30-7:00 AM ??? I updated the Cousin Blog and did a little editing. Did a bit of shopping at NY&CO online because I have a sweet coupon. So. . .sort of productive? Still haven't finished GenJuice blog post that was due Friday (oops). Have Later Dog stuff to catch up on. Need to print dry cleaning coupons and go to there. Make list of other errands. Write a thank-you note, mail some stuff. Oi. But now it's time to shower and get ready for eight hours of scintillating data entry!

Kill me. But not really. I love the holidays. Wait til after if I haven't found a better job that doesn't make me hate life.

holidays, books, time, the future, movies, harry potter, mondays

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