Sometimes I feel I'll never learn.

Jun 30, 2010 01:11

It seems like a major part of (functional) adulthood, at least for me, is re-learning the same lessons over and over. One of the reasons I love Twitter is the ability to realize that people older, smarter and much more successful than me also have to do the same thing.

Take for instance the Lessons Remembered of Sarah Evans, PR maven (who I think is the same lady that emailed me once surrounding a promotional event saying that my name was her same maiden name or something like that- don't ask me why but that's something I dork out over even with my absurdly common name):

Lesson #4 I've reflected on: If you wait until things are perfect, you'll never get anything done.

Lesson #5: You can't forget to take care of yourself. (I need to remind myself of this OFTEN.)

Lesson #6: Priorities REALLY matter. You can't always get everything done, but you better get the right things done.

I just pulled the ones that struck me. Check out her feed for the full list.

Aaand it's back to it, then. Also at some point sleep because of that whole "taking care of yourself" thing.

Love from a Sarah

send help, someone hire me please, the future, productivity, working woman

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