The time has come, the Ambien Walrus said. . .

Oct 07, 2009 18:42

I should have known that yesterday would be. . .interesting. . .when I heard the tell-tale scrape-scrape-scrape of little Gaia claws and paws on the living room floor as I thought to myself, "Hey, that is usually the rhythm I hear coming from the sand in the litter bo. . .ohhhhhh NO."

Oh yes. Gaia used my living room floor as a litter box because she is [there is not a bad enough word to put here]. I came home from this weekend of ACL festivities to find the chair knocked over again (expecting that) and home from work yesterday to find the loaf of bread torn open for the second time. This time they destroyed the heavy-duty ziplock I had it in. There was a nice family of bugs happily living inside of it though. They have been relocated to a nice new home inside a garbage bag.


Observe the Wrath of the Monsters: Mommy's Been Gone All Weekend.

I've put them on a diet recently, since especially Gaia is starting to resemble a spotted sausage more than a cat. And Kitten's got an old man belly. My own plans of healthy eating have been slightly derailed by the abundance of free snacks and lunches and regular visits from the Taco Deli man with heaps of warm breakfast tacos, all at my lovely wonderful office. MMmmmm.

That last one I usually avoid because I never have any cash monies. The Baked Cheetos, however, I visit once a day. Lord only knows what is in those things and I eat a snack-sized bag of them a day. *Shudder*. . .Noms. Might be why my face feels greasy at the end of the day, like it used to in high school when I'd split a pint of strawberry ice cream with Jennie after school. Healthy!

In other news, you did indeed read the previously mentioned correctly- my ass went to ACL this past weekend for the very first time! The weather was beautiful:


And so I wore these really cute new shoes that I bought when I went back on Sunday:

Mold resistant! (Yes these are camo hunting boots. Bought the matching umbrella, also.)

Let me just say, that was some magical fantastic fun. I got to see some old friends who came in from out of town and some really really stoned friends who still live here. That does not surprise you.

I'd love to wax on and wax off about how Graduate School Drama Thesis Setbacks have occurred, but I simply have too much to do, my babies. I'm missing kickboxing already (I went FOUR TIMES last week whooo!) because I worked late and enjoy eating food at regular intervals which I also do not like throwing up into my mouth during intense workouts. I should go out and test-drive some cars, but. . .I'm tired.

Sigh. I need to suck that shit up and resign myself to the fact that I'm just going to be tired. A lot. FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.

In regards to Le Thesis I will say that I met with the Ever Elusive Advisor yesterday and we've made up a calendar that has me finishing by mid-February. And that's with me getting her my first draft by December 4th. These things are tricksy, you see, and I doubt any of you care about the other time constraints that keep stretching this shit out (like NCA and the fact that her and my reader might actually want to spend time with their families over the holidays).

But if you have an extra $1752 laying around and would like to sponsor my spring semester (yes I have to pay for the whole thing) you know where to find me.

Love from a Sarah

cats, fitness, grad school, big girl stuff, adventures in cat ownership, acl, academics, my cats are insane, productivity

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