Aug 11, 2009 14:27

I seriously do not know WHERE the time is going. How is August already halfway over? Don't answer that. Just write up my fieldnotes for me please, because I'm about a week behind. WIN.

Anyway, my internet is STILL not working because AT&T's solution is to keep sending me modems that don't work. I'm waiting for the third one to show up still as it should have arrived on Thursday and of course is not yet present. I think they're just trying to drag things out til my initial 30 days is up and I can't cancel and get a full refund. BUT I KNOW YOUR GAME, AT&T, I KNOW IT AND I WILL CANCEL THAT SHIT IF IT'S NOT WORKING BY FRIDAY, MARK MY OMINOUS WORDS.

I really don't want to go to Time Warner, but I also don't want to have to keep invading the BDH for internet purposes. Manda will get sick of me imposing on her hospitality and laundry facilities eventually. Unless I bring offerings of vodka and jewels to bedazzle her cabinets with. Hmmm.

In other news, I had a job interview yesterday. Had spent the night at the BDH doing laundry and ignoring my work in favor of watching Dexter on Showtime on Demand until nearly 6am so I arrived home to find cat barf on my couch cover and one of my chairs knocked over by the cats. Seriously why do I have the most obnoxious and destructive cats in the universe? Why can't they just take naps?

My directions were all wonky so I circled the building/freeway like three times before I found it. When I got out of my car my heels got caught on the wide leg bottoms of my new pants and I went sprawling onto the sidewalk. Fortunately the woman who witnessed this was not the person interviewing me? I then went into a side-door on accident and up four flights of stairs before I realized it was a side-entrace that required a key to get in any of the floors. Called my interviewer and she told me there was of course a normal entrance with a lobby and elevators and everything.

Seriously, my life is its very own situational comedy. I feel the interview went pretty well, but I won't talk about it any more in case I curse myself. PANTS PLEASE BE MAGICAL IN NATURE AND NOT CURSE-FILLED.

Rebecca and Michael will be in town this weekend, along with Sarah Former-C and her husband. Why are all of my friends married/in loving and committed relationships? Sigh. On that note here are some photos from Rebecca's wedding:

Doing Lauren's makeups. I am a woman of many talents.

I think this is the only normal picture of all of us.

Case in point: Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C: I like to practice kickboxing skills on best friends when they wed

Someone was watching us, and I was the only one who was concerned, apparently.

The horror.

My handsome date.

I want to frame this.

Alright, back to the grind of catching up on everything internet-related and trying to also talk myself into getting work done. I've got strip-hop class tomorrow night (inaugural run with Alana and Mandapants!) and kickboxing Thursday and Saturday mornings. I am loving it. I would also be feeling fitter if I wasn't eating so much ice cream, probably. But it's hot?

Love from a Sarah

epic fail, teh internets, rebecca, fitness, productivity, wedding bells are ringing

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