
Jun 24, 2009 01:13

"Sometimes," he replied, his tone serious, "You just have to have faith."

I laughed, and it came out loud and bitter. Mocking echoes of it drifted through the vast chamber. "Faith," I said. "Faith in what?"

"That things will unfold as they are meant to," Forthhill said. "That even in the face of an immediate ugliness, the greater picture will resolve itself into something all the more beautiful."

"Show me," I spat. "Show me something beautiful about this. Show me the silver fucking lining."

He pursed his lips and mused for a moment. Then he said, "There's a quote from the founder of my order: There is something holy, something divine, hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"That the good that will come is not always obvious. Nor easy to see. Nor in the place we would expect to find it. Nor what we would personally desire. You should consider that the good being created by the events this night may have nothing to do with the defeat of supernatural evils or endangered lives. It may be something very quiet. Very ordinary."

-Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files- Proven Guilty

Love from a Sarah

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books, the future, religion, big girl stuff, magic, lord old gregg, say a little prayer, via ljapp

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