My second cup of tea this afternoon.

Apr 23, 2009 14:55

Last night I accomplished: Going to bed after 4am after writing 8 1/4 pages. None of it was thesis or even academic related. I am awesome. I did manage to back up my entire computer on my external hard drive though (with SO MUCH EFFORT on my part, let me tell you) so at least something productive happened and if the house catches on fire hopefully I'll have time to grab either that or Lappy while shoving cats into duffel bags and leaping out of windows.

Yes, I am an action-heroine in my imagination. Isn't everyone?

Oh, I suppose we can also count the page of my final essay that I wrote for my Psychology & Religion class yesterday. . .while I was in class. I enjoy multi-tasking, what do you want from me. Also I drafted an Evite for Rebecca's bachelorette. Muhahaha.

*Ahem* Moving on.

Today I accomplished:
1) Making it to tutoring on time to learn it is canceled next week. Then my favorite wee first grader was all sullen and non-responsive for most of our half-hour which made me sad.
2) Surviving a strange encounter at the bank where a junior manager insisted on carrying out my simple deposit herself with much pomp and circumstance. It must have been a really slow, boring day?
3) Managing to believe it was Friday for most the morning, though I was doing Thursday-specific activities. Once again: I am awesome.
3.5) Errands of various natures
4) Applying for a job as a research associate. I think I accidentally applied to one located in San Antonio. I will never win. (There is another position definitely in Austin, but it is 40hrs a week doing research when I will already be doing research for my thesis. . .that is a lot of research.)
5) Getting whistled at, probably because my jeans are cut lower than the Christmas underwear that I am wearing. Obviously I still have not done laundry.
6) Reading 31pgs of a book for my class next Wednesday
7) Eating a lot of pan-fried potatoes with ketchup
8) Absolutely no thesis writing, exercising, meditating or cleaning of my room of any kind.


Muuurrgh. Okay. Off to attempt to accomplish something else before battling traffic over to the Barbie Dream House in an hour forty-five.

Love from a Sarah

late nights, rebecca, academics, productivity, early mornings, big girl stuff

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