The healing wisdom of Cleolinda and links bestowed.

Mar 30, 2009 01:59

Okay, so before this I was actually doing work (I have finished all four of my time-traveling Highlander romance novels so my life is now sad and empty as is THE OTHER HALF OF MY SOUL) but then I found what is the greatest link of Twilight-fuckery EVERY FOUND.

This involves an actual, honest-to-goodness duel. Some fanboy challenged someone to a DUEL over not liking Twilight! AND THERE IS A PRINCESS BRIDE REFERENCE OF EPIC AWESOME. This is now near the top of my list of Favorite Stories of All Time, which also includes the Revolutionary Songs of Texas story I have recently adopted from my new bff Sean.

Also I would like to share the following photo that one of my favorite profs in our department mailed out today:

Apparently a lot of people hate Twitter.

Personally I think the quote "Twitter isn't stupid; people are" is the most apt description of the website. So find interesting people to follow who can write witty things in 140 characters or less and not people who post seventeen mini-diatribes in a row and obviously don't understand the concept of micro-blogging or who only write things like "HEY GUYS I AM AT THE POST OFFICE THERE IS A LINE". It's actually kindof a fun challenge to try and figure out how you can say what you want to say (that is hopefully interesting) in the character limit. Or maybe that's just because I am naturally long-winded.

The fact that you can follow MC Hammer (who apparently loves Jesus and looks to P. Diddy for working inspiration) is enough of a selling point for me. Also Levar Burton updating me on his life is highly important. As are updates to Elizabetsy's blog and any current wardrobe crisis she may be having with the doodles*.

(If you found this persuasive and want to join/follow me, find me at SparkerPants.)

Anyway, I think that is my cue to read some more about The Healing Wisdom of Africa, or do some yoga and take a shower, or just go to bed so I don't stay up til 3am and then try to get up before sunrise.

Motivations: I has them. P. Diddy ("YOU ARE NOT ALONE IF YOU ARE AWAKE AND WORKING AT 4AM; YOUR COMPETITION IS SLEEPING. LET'S SMOKE EM!"- seriously that man can make you feel like the laziest git that ever lazed and gitted) you have rubbed off on me, you bastard.

Love from a Sarah

*the doodles= her two 90lb labradoodles, Stanley and Ernie; this phrase is also a nickname for Manda's chihuahua Scrappy aka The Doods. ~*The More You Know!*~

teh internets, books, twitter, twilight, productivity, fuckery

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