There is an overgrown kitten in my lap, pawing at my necklace

Jan 30, 2009 12:56

In keeping with the fact that the only land animal I find delicious is the jalapeño cheese version of Bambi and his kin (and the variety served by Christine at that last swanky* dinner party she hosted), I tried some of Jeremy's antelope when we went to dinner on Wednesday night- and it was delicious. Apparently fleet-footed horned animals do it for my taste buds in the way that annoying squacking chickens and dumbass drooling cows cannot.

You know my father used to come home from hunting when I was a kid (before 12- I know this because I remember him saying it in the house with the saltillo tile in the kitchen, which we moved from when I was in fact 12) and announce that he had shot Bambi's mother. My mom would intake breath in horror and be all "Joe! Do not say that!" and I? I would giggle evilly. Take that as you will.

It was just a giggle though, not nearly as impressive as the woman who was cackling evilly in the restaurant BWyble and I went to for dinner last night. I asked loudly if the Wicked Witch was present because I love to embarrass him in public situations while he hisses at me to be quiet and sinks down in his chair. The woman did not hear, or did not care, because she continued to cackle above the serving of avocado margaritas and the crunch of chips dipped in salsa and queso.

Then he dropped me back at home because we are getting old and old people get tired at 10:30pm. Well, then this old person climbs into bed with the cats and reads The Amber Spyglass for a while. When I start going to bed by 9pm and listening to NPR when I get up at 5 or 6am, then I will know I have truly become old and not just joking about it because I am not even twenty-five yet. (Which reminds me that I really need to start reminding Barrett that is how old he is turning this year. OLLDDDD.)

I am hoping now to enter into a spur of productivity this afternoon, so I will be able to fully play with our guests this weekend and not feel guilty (seriously with this guilt complex I should be Catholic). I also need to really enjoy my next two weekends out of town, because then I'll be doing fieldwork and won't be going anywhere with the exception of the cruise in March (which I am stoked for, let me tell you).

I should try to work in a run this afternoon too. Or at least chase the cats around for a while, since they broke their Cheese Chaser already by pulling all the little treads off the wheels. This is why we can't have nice things, cats.

Love from a Sarah

*Lauren brought a box of wine and wore a pink unitard, because she is awesome.

childhood memories, vacation, my cats are insane, foods, productivity

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