Also backdated for Monday.

Jul 06, 2010 12:16

Um..good morning campers. My name is Columbus Franklin and I'll be your Survival Spells instructor...uh..just call me Columbus though.."mister" anything makes me feel all old and stuff.
In addition to Survival Spells I'll also be showing you alternative methods of defense in case you happen to get disarmed.
I'll also give you my list of survival rules to live by as we go. Follow them and you'll probably stay alive.
For now I'll give you your first rule...
Rule #1: Cardio
You can't fight off Death Eaters if you're out of shape so every class I expect three laps around the lake starting now.

(OOC: Feel free to post in your groups thread and introduce yourself, ask questions and possibly start intimidating Columbus. Especially you younger kids...feel free to eat him alive like the zombies/Inferi he fears! ^_^)
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