Caught up!

Nov 30, 2010 23:40

Well, in SPITE of having a foot and a half of snow and driving at a wonderful 10 mph allll the way to the post office, I am officially, 100% caught up on all orders. I have checked and double checked and I am reasonably sure that I sent everyone everything they asked for- and a little more, by mistake. Not to play the blame game because it's all on me, but my Grandmother was visiting for the last week and a half for Thanksgiving and sometimes it's hard to keep track of things with other people helping out, particularly with such a large influx of shipping and all that. It was a learning experience though! - I have changed the shipping rates to be more appropriate, so it's cheaper for 'everywhere else' now because the post office does in fact have a flat rate shipping for international now that I didn't know about before!

If you do not get your book in about a week or so PLEASE contact me asap and we'll get it sorted out. I do have tracking numbers for ALL US orders. If something is missing or wrong please contact me and I promise I'll take care of you. Your support is very important to me, so thank you very much!

- For those of you that ordered Art Prints, there was a delay with the company that I order my art prints from. In order to give you the best quality of prints I buy all of my prints from a professional company that uses high quality printers and the best paper. Unfortunately they had a hold up on my order, BUT everything was shipped out as of yesterday, Nov. 29. They should arrive by the end of this week or early next week.

Also, I'm hoping that the Coat Book will be done tomorrow, just a few pages left and then I have to figure out printing! Wish me luck = )
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