Just wanted to say that I listed the I
nception art on my Etsy Shop since some people asked. Thanks guys! I have a Klimpt inspired piece on the way hopefully soon that I'm rather excited about x3
Update on Update: Kiss WIP 8D I know it looks awful now, but I can see the potentiallll and I has plans. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this tomorrow
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ANYHOW, good luck with all your living arrangements, I hope you'll have the monies to move to where you like. :d But yeah, living with people CAN be really hard! oAo I have an amazing roomate at college so I'm lucky, but I hear stories all the time. >A< So good luck and keep it up~!?
Gwahhh, really, if I had teleportation powers I'd zap myself to that Boston Comic Con and meet you first thing. I'd bring all the stuff I brought from you so I can get those signed too~~ And I'd buy the hell out of what you have there. @A@ The paper dolls look AMAZING~~ And man that packaging! Thought you did it when I saw the images, it's really got your style to it. ;D But also, they look utterly amazing, so PROFESSIONAL. XDD Like, I'd expect to see these when I walk into a store, they are packed so nicely. o__o And YAYYY~! More Inception Illustrations~ ;w; I really just admire how much thought you put into all of your illustrations. Love reading your explanations all the time, I should really learn from you. Also, I assume that this series will be available with you at the con? THOSE LUCKY PEOPLE WHO GET TO SEE/BUY THEM. OAO
OK, Now to this journal:
I'm thinking that most people tend to look at images first in a journal post then start the reading, at least that's often how I function. So when I saw your WIP I instantly went, "OH MY GOD IT'S "THE KISS"!!!" And lo-and-behold I was right. That's just amazing. I used to hate art history because my AP teacher was such a douche, but now whenever I see reference or things I recognize it's like, "YAY!" OwO
Oh and, last thing, sorry if I sound/seem like I'm nagging or something, but I finished your late late birthday present! oAo It's over yonder in this journal --> http://zenyr.livejournal.com/4772.html I didn't hear anything from you so I was worried you didn't see it? I don't mind not getting or comment or anything, all I need is a confirmation that you got it. Otherwise it would be like...I sent you a package and it got lost! And that just sucks. ;n;
I LOVE the picture you made for me, I showed it off to my sister and all my friends here when you posted it. I love the colors and how sulky Sherlock is, but like, trying to be all like 'IT'S TOTALLY SCIENTIFIC, JOHN, STOP IT!' xD It's perfect, just what I wanted!
But anyhow, WWEEE~~! I'm glad to hear that you did get it then! And although I would've liked to see your original comment, like I said, I totally know what that's like. But that's the thing, based off my own experience of losing comments I think I can mostly imagine what yours was like original. :d I'm so glad to hear it was what you hoped for though! OwO I'm really happy with it too because it's so much looser then what I do and I just felt like I really accomplished/learned something there. ;w;
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