Morning Thoughts

Jul 20, 2007 09:30

A new day is dawning. That is how I feel this morning. Last night was long and dark and difficult, but I pulled through like I always did. The sun did rise, just like it was supposed to. There are times when all I can do is just hold an image of the sun and all its warmth in my mind and keep reminding myself that no matter what else is going on, that sun will rise up over the eastern hills and return to me once more. I would say that it's the little things that comfort me, but in thinking about it this morning, that's not such a little thing. All life exists on this planet primarily because of the light and warmth the sun brings to us. And does the sun ask anything in return? No. He doesn't even seem to mind so much that the majority of humankind neglects to acknowledge him like we used to. I remember a time when the sun was honored at sunrise, midday, and sunset. In this modern age, the sun has found a new way to remind us of his presence and influence: SPF. Like any of the great forces in this world, the sun can be warm and healing, but it can also burn and destroy. As more and more of our protective barrier between our fragile skin and the sun is stripped away, we are being forced - albeit in a slightly different manner - to acknowledge the sun every time we put on sun glasses or adorn sunscreen or a hat, and especially when we get sunburned. This morning I am thankful for the sun in the way that he sends little tendrils of light to slip through the cracks in my blinds and gently remind me that it's morning and time to start another day.

I have out of town friends visiting today and I'm off work today and tomorrow. Much goodness there. They're still sound asleep, which is understandable considering from what I hear they haven't slept more than a handful of minutes in the past couple of days. For now, I am content to let them sleep and enjoy this quiet morning time to myself. We had greasy Costco pizza and watched Firefly last night. I think my body went a little into shock over the vast amounts of grease I poured into it, but it was so good. All is well, though, because I got up and ran it all out of my system this morning.

Running today felt so good! It's the perfect temperature outside right now, and the bay is a startling topaz blue. The further I ran, the more charged I felt. And the water looked so tempting that I ran all the way to the beach. I didn't stay too long, because I didn't want my house guests to worry. Silly me should've known they'd still be sleeping. I have to keep reminding myself that not everyone is a morning bird like me. But it was good to stand on the edge of the sand and watch the sleepy waves kiss the beach awake. Another constant in my world. The sun will always rise in the east, and the waves will always roll towards the shore. This morning feels special and blessed because I have been reminded that I still have anchors in my life if I only look for them.

As far as our plans for the day go, they're fairly tentative at the moment. I'll be heading out to the chiropractor once I shower and get cleaned up. When I get back I'll wake anyone who's still sleeping and we'll get something food-wise and then probably catch a matinée of the new Die Hard movie. (SO EXCITED!!) Anything beyond that is going to depend on how long my friends want to stay before getting back on the road to finish their trip.

There is also a very good chance that I will be going to the Harry Potter ball at Borders tonight. *Squee!* I'm looking forward to all the excitement. I missed opening night of the latest HP movie, so I didn't get my HP-crazed-fans fix, and am planning to substitute with the excitement that I hope will be present at Borders. My only wish is that I don't accidentally overhear any spoilers, since I still haven't finished the last HP book that I have. I know, I know, I'm a horrible fan...but what can I say? I get distracted easily, and have too many books going right now. I could finish them faster if I just focused on one until I finished that. Anyone else going to any HP parties this weekend?

running, weekend plans, weather, friends, morning thoughts, movies

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