Morning Thoughts

Apr 10, 2007 07:20

Easter was a success after all. Josh and I had crepes down on the warf and then took a long walk from Cannery Row all the way down to lover's point in Pacific Grove on the bike path that runs along the coast. It was bright and sunny with just enough of a breeze to require a light sweater. There were a lot of people out, but it never really felt like there were too many. After all, how can you feel crowded with a sky that blue, or an ocean that vast all around you? It was so relaxing to just be walking and talking hand in hand with him. When we got down to the point we sat up on a stone wall and watched children playing in the waves and teenagers sunbathing for awhile. There was even a grimy old hot dog/hamburger stand. The food smelled good, but the prices didn't. I even survived a trip to the bathroom. Anyone who's ever visited a bathroom on the beach knows what an accomplishment that is.

Dinner was back at his house with his family and grandparents who came from Utah. It was my first time meeting the grandparents and I was a little nervous, but things went well. They both seem very nice, despite the fact that they smoke constantly. I helped make the salad and Josh made stuffing. While waiting for dinner to finish, he took me upstairs to see Miss Kitty's new kittens. There are six of them and they aren't even as big as my hand. They were all nursing and it was such a touching scene to see. One of the "kittens" from her first litter (who's now the size of a small wildcat - he's a beast!) was lying across the top of the stairs. It was perfectly clear that he was guardian for the day, and anyone who tried passing with any kind of harmful intent towards those kittens would be missing a few toes. I love cat families.

morning thoughts, holidays, animals

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