Back in my House

Aug 27, 2007 23:05

Apparently when most people lose power they do not also lose running water. And if you do lose running water the way we did, it doesn't mean the plumbing will burst and there will be floods if you flush a toilet, it just means there will be no more water, and you can pour containers of water as a source into toilets, sinks, bathtubs, etc. without anticipation of disaster. And we live in a populated area so you can't just relieve yourself outside (I would think you would get arrested for indecent exposure or something similar??) I did not realize these things until yesterday and spent much of my time worrying over these issues whenever I'd think of the other streets out of power and people on my own street out of power but without the ability to stay somewhere with electrical power. I was terribly worried about the tornado/storm situation and how it was interfering with people's lives. We have a well so I'm used to always losing running water when we lose power, but the two aren't inextricably linked. I suppose I learned a lot from this. My practical knowledge tends to be terribly limited... I'm back at my house. My cats really hated being alone so much the past few days; they love people.

I haven't felt well lately, probably due to my diet since the storm. I just feel too exhausted to think or even more. I'm in a very confused state right now (as in thinking is hard, not because there is a naturally confusing situation I am thinking of -- I don't know I would be able to think too far into such a thing at the moment!) I'm trying to read. I still feel horrible over how much I recently spent on books and I don't intend to do the same in the future anytime soon.

storm, confusion, weather, technology

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