Feb 16, 2015 15:43
A lot has happened since my last post. I was bedridden for most of the year, including having presumably a large seizure that sent me into a month of vertigo and being pretty unresponsive, unable to care for myself in the most basic of ways, and severe amnesia for the past 4 or so years and worse memory, in general (though my memory had been going downhill for a few years). I have Lyme Disease, Bartonella, mold toxicity, probable gluten intolerance, and too many mast cells. I am not innately mentally ill -- these illnesses have caused my "mental illness" which started suddenly around when I turned 19. I'm on high doses of antibiotics and was on a mold toxicity medication and recently had blood drawn and might get my treatment altered soon. I might need IV drips of meds from a mast cell expert, depending on test results. I might go back on Welchol (the mold toxicity med). I'm eating gluten-free right now (for the third time...) Other stuff might be done.
Some of you might remember I was anorexic years ago -- well, I put on weight slowly over time, then quickly, ballooning up to 150lbs spring 2014. No diet or exercise made me drop a lb. Finally when I became incredibly ill and bedridden in the summer I started dropping weight (down to 126), but I gained a bit back. My normal and healthy is 100. I am 5'1". But I am slowly getting better -- I just still have a long way to go.
Michael and I are no longer romantically involved, but we remain best friends. My house was sold and I live in my old apartment complex (which I love) and Michael is here about half the time. He helps me infinitely. I have little money, due to health issues costing so much, etc. but I am intending to go to California by the fall to see another close friend who is very ill and losing her vision. First I have to finish saving for my eye exam and contacts and glasses, though :-/ I have no vision coverage. When I come back from California I intend to set up an appointment with the dental school in Chicago. I know I have cavities. I know putting off an appointment when your teeth are bad is not a good idea, but I have few options. I have priorities -- eyes, seeing my deathly ill friend, *then* fix my teeth.
My mother is trying to sell her house, and after she does she will buy a townhouse I will live in. My brother is intending to move to Ohio to be with his girlfriend, but he's not doing well right now with his mental illness and addictions, so who knows what will happen with him. At least my mother doesn't expect me to live with him. My mother will be moving in with her long-time partner who lives just down the street from her current residence. She has been spending every night there, almost, for many years now, anyways.
I'm in a much better place mentally, though I have good and bad days. My long-term goal is to save money for emergencies at the townhouse and to go to Peru when I am healthy enough to and have the stamina and lack of pain.
mold toxicity,
mast cells,
lyme disease,