7 Deadly Sins Meme - Gluttony

Feb 16, 2011 11:44

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

1. Random internet searches
2. LiveJournal
3. Solitaire
4. Eating red bean ice cream in great amounts
5. Watching Bridezillas and Teen Mom (both are rather trashy...)
6. Sleeping in late
7. Eating a lot of Reese's dark chocolate peanut butter cups at one time

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.
Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.
Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.
Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

7 deadly sins meme

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